
I didn't know that russia was attacking Georgia so is atlanta ok:(?

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I didn't know that russia was attacking Georgia so is atlanta ok:(?




  1. lol are you as stupid as your question?

  2. ROFL!!  ... it certainly explains all the construction on I-75/85!!

  3. I really hope you are kidding!  You read a lot about the short-comings of education these days, but....

  4. This link may be worth a visit:

    I'm not sure that T'bilisi is OK, though.

  5. Sometimes it's better to keep quiet and Google something in private before you ask certain questions.

    "It's better to let people think you're dumb than to speak and remove all doubt."

  6. if i may quote:

    "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh… people out there in our nation don’t have maps, and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and… I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., err, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our..."


  8. Georgia the country in Eurasia. Not the state. Wow

  9. I live in Atlanta. The main thing attacking us right now is the humidity and mosquitos. I'm defending myself with bug spray, however.

  10. OMG it's horrible, and we thought Sherman was bad, we got tanks and rockets hitting everywhere, the Coca-Cola plant is in flames, they are burning the peach orchards as I type this, the only reason I am safe is they have not found my underground bunker left from the cold war! OMG I think I just saw Stalin walk by!!!

    They are taking all the flags down and burning them, and making all the school kids sing the Russian anthem, giving them all goofy haircuts and making them take steroids. They are kidnapping all the young boys and taking them away to god knows where, I think they are massing at the Alabama border, I dont know what they have in mind, help us, send the National Guard, Marines, Boy Scouts,  anything just help us...............

    Please don't you watch the news???

  11. Heard that joke ages ago. Get with the program!

  12. Pay more attention in school....

    They are talking about the COUNTRY of Georgia, NOT the STATE of Georgia.  Georgia is a country near Russia.  It has nothing to do with Atlanta.  

  13. Wolverines!!!

  14. LOL!!!!!

  15. omg ur  soo airheaded girl.mjs gonna like u. U wont know whats goin on! lol

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