
I didn't know there was a Race card?

by  |  earlier

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They should've told Black people sooner that there was a Race card. It could've saved us a lot of trouble. Or were we really playing with a full deck? Blacks could've played this card during Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, Lynchings,Job dscrimination, Police brutality, Jim Crow. And maybe we wouldn't have had to wait centuries for the first ?Black candidate to be nominated by a major Party for President of the United States. Wow if only we knew! Could've saved a lot of trouble.




  1. the "race card" was developed as a weapon for blacks by blacks AFTER the events you mention above were written into the history books...but nice try malik.

  2. There's a race card all right. You will be seeing it played during the debates.  

  3. It's called the Joker and it trumps most other cards.

  4. You just played yours.

  5. Well, it only makes white people guilty and then they become defensive and then angry so  there is a limit to political correctness which is only skin deep consciousness anyway.   At least it is a start.  However it works for Israeli neocons who play the holocaust card any time  Israel is criticized--have you noticed?  That is because they built museums, wrote books, and made the survival of Israel dependent on crushing any criticism of it or its policies.

    So Afro Americans might look at their model. My father just laughed when he heard about Obama ( he had the KKK call him up one day in 1942 when he walked in his own front door with a fellow professor who was black--they wanted him to make the man enter the back door) and said," watch all the hidden racism come out-he will never be elected."  Have you noticed on the question site how the baiting of Obama goes versus the baiting of McCain ?

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