
I didn't make the High School Volleyball Team...?

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I didn't make the high school volleyball team. I trained all summer and thought that I did very well at tryouts. The coach even personally complimented m twice. I really wanted to stay in shape this fall. Is there anything that I may have totally screwed up? What should I do now?




  1. Kenny Ray has a great answer.   Try a club team.  You can find a club team in your area by going to, then the WannaPlay link, then the USA Volleyball regions, then the RVA link and then the map where you live.  Take the short cut to get to the map.

    If you live in Houston, please feel free to contact me.

  2. my first year i didn't either.  i trained all year, put the effort in, asked the coach what i needed to improve on.  the next year i led our team to provincials.  keep trying- you'll do great!

  3. You should try to find a local recreation league to continue playing.  Hopefully you are early in your high school years so you have time to make it in the future.  You should also look for a local club team.  They usually start around end of October and go until around June.  They can be a bit pricey, but you will improve 100x's by next year and your coach should be very impressed.

    Lot's of club teams have different levels - 14's (people under 14), 16's (people under 16), 18's (people under 18) and within each one of those age groups they usually have 2 or 3 different teams, depending on number of folks.  This give those people with less experience the opportunity to play and improve.  This will allow you to get coaching and experience so when it's time to tryout for your high school team you will have improved and will be ready.  Hope this helps.

  4. Sometimes you can overtrain and overanticipate. It's too bad, but keep in mind that you can always try out again next year.

    As a few people have mentioned, find a rec league or club league. A club league can have competitive provincial/state tournaments, or "B" level, semi-competitive teams.

    Or: are there any other sports you like? Hm...for the fall you could try tennis, field hockey, ice hockey, cross country, skating, or see what kinds of sports are available. Stay active, and keep trying!

  5. I played volleyball for two years in middle school and I trained all summer and I made the JV team! But I don't get to play very much because of the upper classmen. I think in order for you to stay in shape you should run! But either early in the morning or later at night when it's cooler. Drink more water, that can also help! You could try working going to a gym or something. In the winter, if you still want to stay in shape...jump on the treadmill! Maybe you didn't s***w anything's just that there were too many people trying out and they didn't have enough room. Like the first person who answered this said that they made it the next year and led their team! Keep working at it and try again next year!

    Hope this helps!

  6. Everybody has failure in their sport careers.  Everybody thinks that if they are good enough, they will make the team.  Did you have a positive attitude the entire time?  Or did you get upset and the person next to you for s******g up?  Because in volleyball, attitude is everything.  Also, the coach is looking for consistency, so you can get a perfect serve every once and awhile, but if most of the time it wont go over, then it's no use.  So just keep trying hard, and don't EVER give up on volleyball!!  Because:

    ~volleyball is life~

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