
I didn't qualify for a Pell Grant...?

by Guest44571  |  earlier

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I had to file as independent because technically I am a ward of the court. My father, who was my sole support, passed away last year, and I have no contact with my mother. I have worked fulltime for the past couple of years, and I made about 25,000 last year. They determined that my estimated family contribution is $7,443.00 PER YEAR! Isn't that a little ridiculous? Why don't they take into consideration living expenses and things like that? Not all of my income can go towards school, and I won't even be working fulltime when I start in the fall. Are there any other grants out there that I can apply for? Is the Federal Pell Grant the only grant available that you don't have to pay back later?




  1. What a student makes is assessed at a higher rate than what your parents make (something like 20% to 5%, I think) so where as if your parents only made $25,000 you'd probably get a Pell Grant, you making that much hurts you. I would assume they do this to stop students from all just filing independently so they can appear as low income and get a hefty aid package.

    It's unlucky for you, but the Pell Grant isn't the only thing that gives you money. Your state and college may also have grants too and, provided you turned your FAFSA in before your state's deadline, you may get money from them. There are also Work-Study programs where you just work a couple hours for the school.

    Depending on where you live your state may have a financial aid program for you. In my state (Colorado) we have a program that pays about $89 per class to all residents. You also don't have to pay back scholarships, so try to apply to those too.

  2. I'm kinda in the same situation, I filed independent, but dont make enough to pay for my school... i still got a little grant though, i think what you get depends on the school too... Good luck!

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