
I didn't realize it was offensive to ask about str**t l*ghting, perhaps I don't understand your culture?

by  |  earlier

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Ignito - I had a lot of good answers but yours said the most about street lighting, also your answer adressed the question without taking sides.

Not that I mind a bit of argument :-)




  1. No, you just offended some hypersensitive woo-woo. Please do appeal, don't let these poo-flinging report monkeys win.

    To appeal:

    EDIT: Thanks Incognito! Those were spur-of-the-moment inspirations that happened while writing my response :)

  2. I didn't think anyone was offended by the question.I certainly wasn't.I may have been mistaken though.I thought you were using the street lights as an example of supernatural silliness.I commented more on the silliness then the lights.Most Americans don't believe people walking by,affect street lights.If those who do traveled to your fine nation they'd believe they do it there too.It's not the quality of the street lights,it might be the quality of our educational system.I apologize for any misunderstanding and hope to see more of your questions and answers.

    Edit.don't worry about the violation.I probably have a 10% violation rate,4 just this weekend.Stick around and you'll figure out who the reporting paranormalan is.

  3. Not me!!!! lol..Didn't even think about it being reported. And nobody I know reported it. Might be a troll. They come through and try to zonk everybody they can..get me lots of times..cause I'm sure the skeptics wouldn't do that to me. You'll probably get this one reported too. Maybe you shouldn't leave it on too long. Thanks for the concern. Why  don't you go to those links and research SLIders..just for fun? It happens in your country too. I know somebody from there it happens to.

    Edit..I don't think psi is serious about his answer...(FYI)


  4. strict lighting, why id this being like asterisked out, im sorry, i dont know what you asked, so, email me if you can or like comment me

  5. There are a couple here who strongly believe in their power to influence street lights. The most vocal one is also from your country. Just food for thought.

    By the way, for the confused -- constipation does not equal exploration. Different words, you know. Different meanings, too. It's funny that some people think they are the same thing. Maybe I should change my name to psiirregularity.

  6. Thanks for the Best Answer you gave me for my answer to your streetlight question. Obviously someone is playing. Not everyone uses the report button as sparingly as they should.

    I'm just happy that you chose my answer! I don't play for points or BA percentages, so I'm happy even though some "report monkey" deleted the question.

    PS(We don't even understand our customs!)

    PPS(Ignito actually sounds pretty cool!)

    PPPS(If I was going to award BA to this question, I would give it to TR on the strength of his inspired terminology. "Hypersensitive Woo Woo" and "Poo Flinging Report Monkey" are first class!)

  7. Didn't offend me--probably a kid--maybe they'll get the next violation.

  8. Your question was not offensive.

    This room is filled with knuckleheads that will violate anyone that responds to a question.

    Most are violated due to whom the person is that is responding, more so than the content of the response.

    Once school gets back into session in mid August, all this BS will die down.

  9. Appeal the violation.  It really seems to be the only thing we can do.  Don't take it lying down.  In the YA community guidelines it says that if someone is a top reporter, YA basically takes their word for it and doesn't give the question/answer as much attention.  Maybe if enough people appeal the top reporters violation complaints, the reporter will lose it's status.  I recieve a fair number of violation notices as well, and I think only one of them has actually been deserved.

    Edit: You say you have appealed already so you figured it out, but for anyone else, when you recieve a violation email, it contains a link to process an appeal.  Part of the email says something like "if you feel your content was removed in error..." and then the link.

  10. If you're not with me you are against me, and I will report every single question and answer you give because the opinions you give don't support my ridiculous world view.

  11. Not that I've heard of. Somebody might have given you an incorrect violation. Or you posted in the wrong category. Don't worry about it.

  12. It's definitely not offensive to ask about street lighting.  I have found violation emails as well in my inbox for simply disagreeing with the poster - usually on religious topics, if people don't like someone they will report it and kick up a fuss to have it removed.  So much for freedom of speech.

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