
I didn't specify the kind of power i intend calculating.Can i get the various power consumption &formular

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I didn't specify the kind of power i intend calculating.Can i get the various power consumption &formular




  1. Why can't you?

    There are dozens of various formula, from motors to electrons in motion to moving water to charge on a capacitor to a compressed spring to charge on a battery to heat in a resistor to heat in a vacuum tube to microwave absorbtion in water to nuclear fusion and fission to...

    and many more...

    and solar power, wind power, thermal power, water power, hydro power, geothermal power, wave power, tidal power...

  2. Power in watts is work or energy divided by time.  Work is measured in joules, and time is measured in seconds.

    How you measure work or energy depends on whether you are talking about electrical, mechanical, or chemical engineering.

    In electricity, power is voltage times current, times power factor.

    In mechanical, work is force times distance, and force = mass times acceleration.

    In chemical, you can get energy from pressure changes (force over area) when the number of moles changes, and you can also get energy from heat exchanges.

    PS: The word formula does not end in "R"

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