
I didnt feel sad at my grandads funeral.?

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i was seven when he died. but i didnt feel any emotion when my dad came down and told me he was dead. when we where at the wake, i was actually curious to see what the body looked like, but i didnt look cuz i didnt want to be disrespectful. at the funeral everone kept asking if i was ok, and i was. i wasnt feeling any emotion. at the burial i was curious to see inside the ground but got pulled back. i remember b=mr granny crying and it raining.. but i didnt feel anything.

am i just an emotionalise robot? whats wrong with me??




  1. you were only 7 and didn't understand death yet, I remember I had to go to my great grandma's funeral when i was around 8 and wasn't upset or anything either...and it also seems like you didn't know him that well which also contributes to it

  2. Sam here. I wasnt born yet when my mothers father died. I was 17 when my father's father died. We're not closed but I don't hate him. I don't see him often, less likely. I didn't feel anything though I'm a bit worried. My big bro cried for half an hour.

    My grandmothers we're both alive, and I'm closed with my mothers mother.

    If you dont know him well Like I do even though I'm 17 when my grandpa (father's side) You wouldn't feel anything. But you'll feel a bit strange. You are wondering how does it feel?

    When my uncle got shot and they brought his body to his family. And When I saw his head we're blown off and I can see his brain full of blood and something is coming out. Though I Can't remember it clearly. I wonder why but I was stairing at him. Didn't feel anything. I feel jealous sometimes, why i don't feel a thing?

  3. You were 7... death is weird for little kids.  They don't really understand it the way adults do.  It is not wrong to be curious about what his body looked like.  Think about it... You were told he died, dead people aren't around anymore, yet, here is his body.  Totally natural to want to see what it looked like.

    Of course everyone else is crying.  You were a kid... give it a break.    

  4. Maybe you and your grandfather never bonded with each other when you were growing up so you didn't have much emotions for him.

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