
I didnt get my stimulus check ending with 23!?

by  |  earlier

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i filed a 1099 and i got a letter from the gov saying that i qualified for a 600 dollar rebate and that i should get rebate by may 30, but still no check...i field in feb, i dont owe any back taxes...not that know of anyway and everytime i try to contact them i get absoulutly nothing ant suggestions?




  1. The IRS has been over whelmed with phone calls.  Now that the first round of scheduled mailings have been completed there may be a better chance of getting through to them.  Clearly something has gone wrong in your case and you seem to have covered all of the normal suspects.  1-866-234-2942 is the best number to get information but that number was in melt down last week.  The last note I saw from the IRS seemed to suggest that it will be late August before they begin to settle some of the cases like yours.

  2. Are you sure you qualify? Have you used the IRS Stimulus Calculator?

  3. Are you talking about the letter you got in March, or one that came in May?  The one in March was generic, and said that you MIGHT qualify for UP TO $600.  If you got one in May, giving the date and the amount, you should have gotten it unless you owed some kind of debt that it was taken for, in which case you should have gotten another letter saying what it was taken for.

    What does say when you enter your info?  If that says you should get a payment in May, and you don't owe anything it would have been taken for, keep trying to contact the IRS.

  4. Judy's answer is good. When you say that you don't get anything when you try to contact the IRS, do you mean that you can't get through to a live person? Try 1-800-829-0582, extension 726.

  5. Please see

    and in the space indicated type in your zip code,

    it will then tell you who your representative is

    and then email your representative and KEVTCH  a lot!

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