
I didnt get the job!!?

by  |  earlier

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the fool told me what kinda music to i like i said rap n hiphop n he told me to leave! WTF!!!!




  1. sometime it depends on the person.a lot of people make crazy stereotypes on people based on the type of music you listen to.they may think u r some shoot em uo gangster who will do nothin but intimidate their other employees and cause a lot of time just say you are open to all kinds of music!!!

  2. It is a trick question. Employers are not supposed to ask you anything about your personal life or personal preferences. Next time someone asks you a personal question during an interview, it is best to avoid it. Say something like: "I would never use work time for something personal like listening to music, sir." then it makes you look professional and them look stupid for even asking.

  3. You're supposed to answer wisely, not necessarily honestly.

  4. why didnt you say you like all types of music.. and maybe the store you were already dressed like a "thug" so he just assumed you were lazy.. cause the thug style is lazy you know.
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