
I didnt know how to answer my best friend?

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I have been friends with this girl forever. She is happily married with a beautiful baby girl. But her husband is in training for the Navy and all she can do is write letters to him. She is very loyal and very loving of her family but she came up to me with a question the other day that I didn't know how to answer. She hasn't seen or talked to her husband over the phone is 3 month and its going to be another 3 until she can see him again. She said she had been chatting online with some people who shes become friends with. She said they had been talking about how lonely she was and they somehow they got to talking about phone s*x. She asked me if it was a bad thing to have phone s*x as long as they kept it completely anonymous. They had not done anything yet. I didn't know how to answer this question. What do you think?




  1. tell her if it feels wrong it probably is

  2. She should ask herself how her husband might feel about this.

    And how she would feel if her husband had anonymous phone s*x.

    If she would be upset then she shouldn't do it. If she would lie to her husband then it is technically cheating in my book.

    I do not know how hard it is to be away from your loved one that long but cheating will only make it worse.

    Tell her to invest in a vibrator

  3. If she just wants to hear a man tell her she is s**y then she should write her husband and ask him to reassure her she is still his best girl. If she just needs sexual release, there are videos that can stimulate her without that odd feeling of dishonesty. If she is asking you for a "ruling" on phone s*x being a "bad thing," she has already decided it is but is still considering it. The putz in the chat room that suggested it is not trustworthy and just looking for vunerable people.

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