
I didnt make Volleyball but I'm trying out again, how can I make it this time?

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Ok, Well my friend was on the team last year and got kicked off because of grades.. We both tried out for the JV team. We both didn't make it. For some reason there were girl weren't good that made it, what did they have that we didn't? Well, I know how to do everything me and my friend are trying out again... I would like to know what they look for





  1. you should ask your coach what you should to be able to get back on the team

  2. Work out alot and work on speed and work on stamina like running and just work out and u should make it!

  3. You have to have the right attitude. Be a good sport, work hard, and be coach-able. That means if your coach tells you to do something, DO IT. Good grades are extremely important as well. If your coach remember that you got bad grades, enough to get taken off the team, then they won't want to pick you. They need someone who's dependable.

  4. YOU can make yourself stand out by knowing the general rules of the game, hustling, looking at the coach when they speak (with no talking), calling the ball "mine!" when you are going to pass it, encoraging your teammates, trying your hardest in every drill, and looking generally happy and coachable. ACt almost fake nice to the coach and other players.

    Now i dont really know how good you are compared to other would be teammates, but thats almost irrelevent. I know b/c i went through something almost the same. Sometimes it has very little to do with ability or potential (which, in my opinion, is sad, very sad). Sports are very political and there are a bunch of coaches out there that haave no idea how to put their prejudices and personal opinions of people to the side, and do whats best for the team. Just keep practicing. and try out for the team, if anything- that makes it look like you are dedicated to the sport, and realllllly want to be on the team

    Good Luck.

  5. Find someone to teach you the fundamentals, and then practice, practice, practice.  Once you have the fundamentals down, carry a volleyball around with you and pound it into the ground during your free time.  You can work on your approach by putting some pieces of duct tape down on the driveway or sidewalk.  Good luck!

  6. You should be in good shape.

    And to be really good at volleyball, all you have to do is:

    Practice, practice, practice.....

    And you gotta be tall.

  7. Just practice... thats the only way to become won't happen over night!!!! Coaches are looking for players who have the potential to play and aren't gonna just let the ball drop..coaches what people who are aggressive with the ball.

    Good Luck!!!

  8. What grade are you in? cause if you're a freshmen, most coaches look for like potentials and your passion for the sport. As long as you have good attitude and can perform decent basics, the coaches will approve it. Otherwise, if you're a sophmore, junior, or a senior, it's really hard to make it in the team. The team players are so limited in numbers. I dont know about your school, but in our school theres like 20 players in freshmen team, 15players in JV and 13 in varsity. And in varsity, most of them bench, except the 6 key players and the libero. You have to make sure you stand out in the crowd! Make sure that you practice some serving and pepper with your friend! Get into a decent shape. At the tryouts, make sure you call the ball "i got it" "mine" Coaches LOVE that! I'm like the loudest gril in the team (for calling out the ball and communicating during games) and my coach loves that kind of attitude. Cheer on your teammates.

  9. Well, ask the coach what you did wrong that made you not good enough for the team and then work on what you did wrong.

  10. you should try out again, when I try out for the team the day before I almost killed my self because of so much practice......and the others the one that made it, its because they deserve it and if you succeed maybe you deserve it to.....

    hey that's only my suggestion.........

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