
I discovered that i could convert & listen to radio streams (music) from the temporary folder? Is this legal?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Probably not. You're not paying for the music, and yet you're using it. I don't see anything legal about that.

    Don't fret about it though. The FBI aren't going to bust through your roof and arrest you anytime soon. Heaps of people do it anyways.

    If you really enjoy the music, buy the CD's and support the artists. :]

    Take care! xo

  2. Yes - since it isn't actually downloaded. All you have downloaded is a Windows Media Player link, which is redirecting you to the actual location of the live stream. When you click 'Listen Live' on a radio station's website it isn't linking directly to the stream.

    It is impossible to download a live stream.

  3. Usually the legal rule in the US is your use of the said music for a 24 hour period before you are supposed to pay for it.. but usually if it's part of a radio broadcast then as long as you don't try to sell it , it becomes for your private use and is legal to listen to for as long as you want.

    It's a weird fine line.

  4. lol just get limewirego to and download the free version

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