
I dislocated my elbow a few years ago i did go to pt but didnt get my full range back?

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now i want to get my full range back who should i go to chiropractor or physical therapy?




  1. im afraid not.. my uncle has had problems with his shoulder being dislocated.. i suggest going to the hospital to c wut they say, but surgery is the only thing i can think of..

  2. You have tried PT, a consultation with a good Chiropractor would be wise.

    Best wishes and good luck.

  3. In dislocating the elbow, you may have damaged the nerves in the region, or even damaged the joint itself. Sometimes there is a permanent loss of motion as a result. The best person to consult on the matter would be an orthopedic surgeon, actually. The doctor can tell you better after an exam if the damage is permanent- which is likely to be now after all this time, and what, if anything can help with that. If he feels physical therapy might be of benefit, he'll let you know that. While it probably wouldn't hurt to see a chiropractor if you wanted, there's not a lot they could likely do either. My best advice would be to see the Orthopedist and see exactly where you stand first.

    *Hope this helped!*

    -Marissa.C <33

  4. In dislocating the elbow, you may have damaged the nerves in the region, or even damaged the joint itself. Sometimes there is a permanent loss of motion as a result.  The best person to consult on the matter would be an orthopedic surgeon, actually.  The doctor can tell you better after an exam if the damage is permanent- which is likely to be now after all this time, and what, if anything can help with that.  If he feels physical therapy might be of benefit, he'll let you know that.  While it probably wouldn't hurt to see a chiropractor if you wanted, there's not a lot they could likely do either.  My best advice would be to see the Orthopedist and see exactly where you stand first.

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