
I dislocated my knee a few months ago and I'm camping with my friends where we can go hiking. Will I be okay?

by Guest64709  |  earlier

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I have been going through physical therapy for about a month to help heal my knee. And it's helping, I can go upstairs now with very minimul pain and I am walking pretty much completely normal. Were going to buttermilk falls in Ithaca NY for about 3 days and we could go hiking on trails to go see the waterfalls better and I don't want to ruin everyones fun by saying I can go hiking cause my knee. The park has other waterfalls you can see without hiking but I still don't want to spoil it for everyone. So I need some oppinons. I think I will be okay but I'm still worried. Thanks in advance.




  1. You should be.  Just in case stay away from anything too strenuous.

  2. Hiking with poles will take some of the stress off of your knee.

  3. Dont climb too high.

    i know it sounds weird, but gojng up will be a lot easier than coming down (on your knee). just dont go up what you cant come down...

  4. i dislocated my knee also...2 weeks ago...i play soccer and basketball...u should be ok...just take  something to keep ur leg in place

  5. no it be to stress full on your knee. it will start hurtin really bad. if ya do go just make sure you take many breaks so you can take care of ya knee.

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