
I dislocated my shoulder about 3-4 years ago (can't remember) and I never saw a doctor for it.

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Now today, I can do this cool popping trick with my shoulder and it doesn't hurt at all and it grosses people out.

Im 15 now and my arms are strong but what will this have negative effect on me? Should I go to the doctor and finally get the surgery or should I just live like this for the rest of my life.

Doesn't bother me at all. Just wanted to hear yous opinions.




  1. If it's not bothering you then there's no need for surgical intervention, but you can make it worse by doing the "cool popping trick", which could aggravate it enough that you could end up needing surgery after a few years. But since you were still young when you dislocated it, your bones weren't completely ossified so they were still sorta bendy, so that's good as far as healing goes, but yeah, stop doing the popping. I know its really cool to gross people out, but sometimes it's not worth it, even if it's painless at the time. Good luck.

  2. live with it cause that is awesome. I wish I can do that with my arm.

  3. I can do the same thing with my left shoulder lol

    I learned that it's not good to keep doing that "trick" because it can actually cause some damage and make it worse. As long as it doesn't hurt of feel uncomfortable you have nothing to worry about.

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