
I disputed a charge on my bank account, will I win.?

by  |  earlier

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I took a cab home with another girl. My bill was $12.00. I signed it, then I look at my bank account this morning and I see a $12.00 plus a $15.00 charge from the same cab company, I only signed the 12 dollar one, not the $15.




  1. youshould as you did not sign the other

  2. The Fair Credit Billing Act gives you 60 days from the day you receive your statement on which the charge appears to dispute the charges.

    It's okay to call, but to preserve your rights (and make sure you win) you need to write to the address provided on your credit card statement for "billing inquiries".  Ideally, you should send your letter by certified mail, to prove that you are within the time frame.  Your letter should contain the date and amount of the transaction and the reason why it should be charged back to the merchant (the cab driver).

    If you paid using a debit card, you do not have the same protection.  However, you could possibly dispute the second "charge" as a fraudulent or erroneous item.

  3. I would call up the cab company and ask to see the receipt you signed or you can call your credit card company/bank and put in a dispute. I think you have 30 days to dispute anything on your account.

    They will ask the cab company to provide the paperwork and look into your claim. Then they will contact you and let you know the results.

    I had a dispute on my credit card once and that was the procedure. They did look into it and did look after it for me.

    The bottom line is the cab company will have to provide the proof (signed copy).

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