I couldn't stand how much i liked him, it was too intimidating. I felt that if i was with him and something happened that would take him away from me i would feel miserable. He liked me alot too, and we were both so nervous to even sit next to each other! We're not even young he's 21 and im 19, which is very weird ive never felt like this before i feel as if im 12!
We talk little face to face, we IM most of the time. He always asked me to hang out with but the intensity i felt with him scared me and i kept on saying no. He still likes me, and we still talk even though he has a gf now which most ppl say he's not serious with her. Help i really don't know what to do, or why this happened (its been going on for a year). Ive never felt this way with a guy, and i dont understand why i have this instant attraction which doesn't seem to disappear as much as i try to get over him! How do i win him back?