
I dnt understand my ex? im 16 and need advice :) Please and thnkz?

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Well last year i had went out with this guy at school, im 16 and u probly might say im too young and ill get over him when im 30 (lol trust me i will) he also cheated on me... (sucks big time) but right now he just added me on myspace and started messaged me saying "look listen, school is comming up and i wanted us to resolve our problems cuz honestly it ****** sucks being around each other we should say hi to each other and a hug wont hurt? " i havent wrote or accepted his friend request... ADVICE? PLEASE AND TIPS WHAT TO DO WHEN I GO 2 SCHOOL.... BCUZ HONESTLY I WASNT EVEN THINKING ABOUT ME BUMPING INTO HIM...I DNT GET HIM LOL PLEASE AND THANKS SO MUCH.




  1. You should really try and initiate a sexual relationship with him. His body is going through some changes now and so is yours. You'll find that this learning experience will be as rewarding for you as it is for him. You can also try using toys on each other.

  2. accept him,and act like your not bothered !

    he thinks hes hurt you,let him think your well over him,say yeah,im fine,no hard feelings im really all over that hun,you should get over it to!!!LOL

    trust me it will work,and feel so small!

    goodluck hunyx

  3. You kids these days are growing up way too fast. 16 year olds should not have "relationship" problems. What exactly does "cheated on me" mean when you're 16. Did he get his mom to drive him to the movies with another girl? Jesus, when I was 16 my biggest problem was trying to figure out what channel the loony tunes were on. My advice to you is get off myspace and have fun being a kid. You have your entire life ahead of you to worry about "relationships".  

  4. If it's been a year I think you both can bury the hatchet- trust me it sucks having to see someone on an almost daily basis with whom you hold a grudge.

  5. Just accept his friend request and don't reply.  Act like your just fine without him.  After all he did cheat on you.

  6. give it another go, and see if he is the one, if it doesnt feel right then u know u shouldnt be together

  7. Its funny because just last week I actually did the same thing to a girl I use to see, it was because we left on bad terms. I decided to do so because I did this therapy session where I had to speak to someone that I would feel uncomfortable seeing in public. Anyway, long story short, I went to meet up with her at a Chili's and it actually turned out fine. We both have a new girlfriend/boyfriend, and yeah its a little weird to discuss about old times and stuff but ya know, afterwards you feel a little better. In the end you probably won't have hard feelings toward one another anymore.

  8. here's the deal.  You're both 16, which means you'll both say and do stupid things.  

    1st, never take back someone who cheated on you, because that just shows them there's no consiquence if they do it again.

    2nd, go out with someone you may not have thought of, because they could be someone who'll treat you right  

  9. basically what he is trying to say is that yeah your mad at him, he excepts that an just wants to be civil with you. basically he is trying to avoid a conflict at school because fact is you will see each other an have to put up with each other so should at least be civil (not argue/fight/ignore the other) right? but i must admit him saying the hug thing is a little to far fetched.but  to be honest i don't think theres a way to resolve this particular problem except by giving it time. an if you don't want to resolve the problem or feel the problem can be resolved right now  then just say that you are still upset with him but that you will keep things civil between you both. meaning you won't just start screaming an yelling at him an such on. but thats all he is worried about. but he could also be trying to make amends with you. but i would just tell him how you feel.

  10. The Chicago Beer Bear is absolutely right. What are you talking about you have the rest of your life to get really cheated on, have unplanned pregnancies, dept and a whole lot of other things. Just say hi to him and move on he is not your soulmate or even a good lay, dont stress over this.

  11. I say you answer him and be friendly but don't let anything start up again.

    You don't want to get hurt again.

    be like yeah we should losahh, xP

    im not saying be the guys best friend but be friendly and it won't be as awekward when you guys see eachother at school believe me. :D

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