
I do 3 shifts at minimum wage with no shift allowance for an agency, 6-2pm 2-10pm and 10-6am. is this legal?

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night shift allowance do agency's have to pay it?




  1. you are getting screwed.

  2. Hello ! The bad news is, no one has to pay a shift allowance, some companies offer it as an incentive, because they probably have trouble finding people to work those shifts without alittle bonus. Certain types of jobs offer it more then others, like hospitals and nursing homes, where a certain number of staff is mandatory. Hope this helps

  3. I'm not sure where you stand with an agency but think its terrible you are not getting the shift allowance,my partner works the same shifts but wouldn't without the shift allowance!

    How old are you because you do have to be over 18 (in UK) to work night shifts.

  4. If you knew the pay and were not happy why did you take the job in the first place?

    If you are not happy look for another job.

  5. To work these shifts consecutively would be very tiring, have you a contract?

    Your contact need not be written - verbal ones are also acceptable.

    Your shift allowances (if any) will have been agreed by you at the outset.

    Now get back to work.  

    If you are reading this whilst at work then you are stealing electricity!

  6. depends where you are, but usually you should get a shirt allowance, start looking for alternative employment would be better though

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