
I do a lot of bike riding, and I need to know?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know how maney miles I go in one day.. I know there's something that I can buy to install on my road bike that will show me how far I have came/went. Wal-Mart must have something :) right?




  1. yes they do,  You can get a cheap speedometer at walmart.  They say your total distance the time and speed.  The best thing is they are only like 10 bucks

  2. Get a cyclo-computor (speedometer), calibrate it according to directions, and track your progress by registering with  The computor will also give you average speed, highest speed, trip distance, and accumulative distance.  You can pay over $140 for one, but don't do it.  Start off small and work your way up in price as you gain experience with the thing.  With preschallenge you can compare your accumulated miles with others, and earn medals and stuff.

  3. cycling computer - yes even Wal f**t has them.

  4. ya you can probably get an inexpensive cycling computer for about 20 dollars and it will tell you distance and speed and all that fun stuff

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