
I do gymnastics,?

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I do gymnastics 18 hours a week, 5 days a week. I really love the sport. My friends are always asking me to hang out, but most of the time I cant, because I have gymnastics. I am in level 8, and I have a dream of doing college gymnastics. Should I stay in the sport, or should I not take it so seriously? I am confused on what to do, and I am in need of help.




  1. it sounds REALLY important to you and i could be your future!

    i would do it, then hang out with friends on wknds but make sure u get a day or rest! ur gonnan be tired after that long week! so keep in touch with ur friends by hanging out on wknds, talking on the phone and at school!

  2. i understand what your feeling. if you think your spending to much time on the sport maybe you can set a side special times and days to hang out with your friends no matter what, a day when you dont have to do gymnastics. if gymnastics is your dream then stick with it. it will soon pay off and then you'll have all the time in the world to hang out with your friends. and maybe you can take it down maybe a little, that way you know your taking it seriously yet not too serious. what i do is get involved in a sport that i know my friends will want to do too. so my bff is in love with gymnastics too and we help eachother out. so i can train hard and hang with my bff at the same time. well the best of luck to you and plz check out some of my questions. thanks

  3. If you love it as much as it sounds like you do, then stick with it. It's a lot of commitment, but if you love it that much, then you will benefit from it! Good luck in the future, I'm sure you'll be a fantastic college gymnast!

  4. Hey i do gym to. Sounds like yu have a real passion for it, if you love it keep doing it. But rember make time for your friends. Losing your friends is the worst thing that could possibly happen. Explain to them that it takes up most of your spare time, if they don't understand well then maybe their not true friends?

  5. I do gymnastic too. I am a level 5 but it not about me its about you I think you should stay and keep up with it b/c its fun and rewarding and I want to do college gymnastic too I take it very seriously and I am only level 5 I think you should I love gymnastic and also try to make time for friends. Maybe you can't do during the week but maybe the weekend tell your friends it your main goal to do college gymnastic ........................................... maybe they will understand

    ~I hope I helped~

  6. If college gym is your dream, and you love the sport, don't give it up. Your friends can't understand that it means so much to you and it isn't fair for them to make you feel guilty about having a goal and working towards it. The only reason you should ever quit is if it isn't fun anymore, and that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Go for it, good luck!
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