
I do hope he wins wimbledon

by Guest62114  |  earlier

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I really hope he does as i can't wait to see how many brits big him up as a brit after slagging him off as a scot for loosing at the olympics.

If he wins wimbledon he will win it as a scott not as a brit as that's what he is, he is a scot and is proud of it.




  1. Unfortunately that's something we get used to in Scotland. When we do badly, they say we're Scottish. But when we do well, they say we're British.

  2. Do you know wimbledon was months ago.

  3. I am sick of reading this one question , all whimpering about who is Scotch and who is English... we all live in the British Isles, and that is it, so does it matter. ? Some of you have nothing else better to do than keep reminding us about the fact that you are Scottish. It might have been a good thing if we had left the Wall up then you could have been isolated and on your own... would you have liked that.. ? better not answer that, as it will be a torrent of words that is not called for, but you know exactly what I mean. Why cant you be a little more friendly and just have a good time on here, as it is fun you know,.I have many fun hours on here, so just join in and and enjoy yourself as life is too short to do any other.... Just remember none of you are going to live forever but I am going to have a d**n good try at it. Always remember you are a person , not a thing or piece of junk and do not belong to anyone,. and where you live or what you are does not matter because you are YOU.  

  4. Have you considered that it is part of the on-going 'joshing' that goes on between the English and Scots.

    One of my best friends in my local is Scottish and I always call Murray Scottish when he loses and British when he wins. It's a joke.

    P.S. Are you going to tell me that you always support Manchester United and Chelski when they are playing in Europe?!? I doubt it.

  5. Absolutely not.

    He has totally confirmed his Scottish credentials and prooved that he can nothing that is not for money or benefits other countries apart from Scotland.

    I will never cheer him again.

  6. i dont slag him off for being a scot. i slag him off for not trying to win at the olympics. he put no effort at all into that pathetic game.  and if he wants to win as a scot he should play as a scot not as a brit.

  7. Its not the nationality that is entered in wimbledon its the individual.  Team GB goes to the olympics as a British team, its the same with the commonwealth games.  

    I dont slag him for being a scot, the press never refer to him as being british because for some reason he doesnt like being referred to as being british.

    Some scottish people like him should realise they are british too, and british does not mean english (just the same as some english people should realise the same).  We all hold British passports

  8. I'd like him to win it aswell. I'm English but i have nothing against him being a proud scotsman. I didn't used to like him because his attitude seemed a little suspect but after watching him he won me over with his desire to win and never say die attitude which the english sometimes lack, the national football team comes to mind.

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