
I do horse riding but i'm riding a horse called dessie and i can't get her going.What should i do?

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To go with my question another reason is that my sister will be jumping in 5 weeks and i really want to be there jumping with her.




  1. My sisters mare was the same way she wouldn't go. We tried a cork.  And in my opinion I think it sometimes makes it worse. I think it all depends on how often you ride your horse and how much training your horse has had in this particular field. If the rider is sending mixed signals, I think sometimes it causes enough confusion to cause doubt within the horse. The rider must be consistent when he or she rides and follow up is very important. Dedication to the horse is important. Showing  your horse the right amount of appreciation is important too....

  2. I had a horse and he was extremly stubborn. I took my long reins out of the barn and tied them to the horn as incentive. Now I'm guessing that you are an English rider due to the "jumping" remark. I would let the reins dangle on the saddle and when he doesnt want to run put them on his butt. Do not smack him hard, just let the horse know that you could use them if you wanted to. If this doesn't work I would get spurs to put on your boots as well as the reins on the saddle. I got the spurs that are points and rotate around. Make sure you get these ones for when you are practicing and once he gets the feel for him he won't want you to kick him anymore. This should get the horse to move properly...also make sure you reward him when he does was you want! This is also a very big key in getting your horse to cooporate...believe I know, I use to barrel race.

  3. learn to ride better.spurs are no answer,if the horse is unwilling then there is a problem as they will always go the extra yard for a rider if asked guess is that you are inexperienced and i recommend having some lessons before you start applying artificial dont say how old dessie is,or how fit,or what you weigh or how big dessie is,for all we know you could be some great bulk that cant ride on a little pony type--only joking but we do need more info itf we are to form a sensible answer.

  4. get some spurs or summing it isnt cruel!! Or get a whip and kick really hard. I couldnt gt ma pony going da other day do a big kick den whip, kick den whip if dat doesnt work gt some1 near u 2 clap or go shhh or gt a lunge whip and put it near them!! They'll soon realise!!

  5. what ya gotta do is tell dessie to walk or walk on or whatever u say to make him or her start walking and if he doesn't move then kick him thats all u gotta do keep doing it until he moves and then say good boy.

  6. I've been a jumper for 5 years and the horse i normaly ride is fine, but if i use a different horse i use my crop. I know it sounds cruel but horses have tough skin and it's just a reminder that your the boss. Ask your mom or dad if you can get one. But of corse there's always the option of getting spurs. Same things to : not cruel, tough skin. =]

  7. Get some spurs on your boots, that'll make it fly!

  8. Spurs should NEVER be worn by an inexperienced rider - they CAN do damage if they are not used correctly.

    The whip and spurs are to reinforce the natural aids of leg, hand and seat not to make up for the fact that the rider doesn't know/understand what they are doing.

    How does the horse move for other people?  If she is just lazy with you then she is taking the mickey, plain and simple.  Whe I was teaching there were two methods I used to get horses moving forward.  The first is to use lots of transitions.  Ask the horse to walk, trot, walk, halt, walk then trot again in a short space of time - it will wake the horse up and have him listening to you ready to obey your next command, Once this has worked start doing transitions skipping a pace, so go from halt straight to trot and from walk to canter and back again.

    The second method I used, but not very often, was to pop the horse into canter and along the long side of the school ask for a hand gallop, or just a fast canter - let the horse run, giving it a reminder with the whip if necessary.  Horses love move quickly and allowing them to do this in controlled circumstances often "wakes them up".

    You shouldn't feel that you need to start jumping at the same time as your sister - everyone learns at their own pace.  You should only start jumping once you have mastered walk, trot and canter to a reasonable level and have perfected your jump position on the flat and over trotting poles.

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