
I do not believe in abortion i believe in free choice?

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I keep hearing this from the Libs .

What does that mean ? The choice is free to decide whether you kill a baby or not. There are only two choices here ,

To murder. Not to murder, that is the choice.

Freedom of choice is having the option of murdering . Why try to reword it so it makes you feel better?




  1. Look-

    Pro choice means I do not want the government dictating what to do with my body.  It is MY RIGHT TO PRIVACY- guaranteed by the 4th amendment.  It means I am not going to tell you what to do with your body.  It doesn't mean we would chose abortion for ourselves or for our friends.  It means that the government doesn't have a right to chose for me.  I can make a decision about what I do for myself.  Which is what you would think Republicans would want b/c they always shout and scream about having less federal regulation- yet it is ok to tell all women what they can and cannot do with there bodies.  Pro-choice also supports sexual education and contraceptives- that would help reduce unwanted pregnancies- and reduce the amount of abortions.  Don't hate the cause, especially if you don't know what you are talking about.  

    Also- where do Pro-Life people justify killing abortion clinic doctors and employees?  Does it mean that Pro-Life people do not support the death penalty?  

  2. Murder would be killing a self supporting, living being. Fetuses are not self supporting....they literally take food, blood, oxygen from the mother to survive. If we delivered a 10 week old fetus it wouldn't survive. Why? B/C it isn't a self supporting, living being, but a fetus.

    I choose NOT to have an abortion. I choose to let other women make their own decisions about their own bodies.

    Further, outlawing abortion does NOT stop stops safe abortions....causing far more deaths of living, self-supporting beings.

  3. Well said, abortion is murder

  4. its liberal double speak

    You are either for abortions or you are against them

    There is no middle ground

  5. Because being for abortion and being for the right to choose are two different things. They aren't saying that abortion is the best option, they are saying it is a women's right to choose. They aren't trying to make anyone feel better, I sure this must be a hard concept for a closed minded person like yourself.  

  6. I'm a Republican and I believe in freedom of choice also.  You have a choice to have s*x, or not to have s*x.  To use birth control, or not to use birth control.  NOT to choose to get rid the consequences for your bad choices.

  7. I have to agree with you. However I think that the procedure has it's place such as to save the life of the mother, rape, or incest.

    But used as a form of contraception it is clearly murder. To those that don't think that's very Christian like. I'll let God decide whether or not I'm in violation when the time comes.

  8. a fetus is not a living person until the IRS allows a tax deduction as a dependent.  

  9. it means that even though you dont believe abortion is right, you still think people should be able to make the choice for themselves and if they really are in a situation where they need an abortion they should be able to get one.

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