
I do not have Patriotism towards my country... ?

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In Truth, I hated this country... sometimes I still do hate this country. We are full of contradictions and if your rich and of a lighter human species.. you are above the law. I have been reading a lot of yahoo answers and I noticed.. that the true colors of people have really came out. I know a lot of people who hate America.. these are the same ones who become Patriots when it suits them. The majority of the people on here have never know suffering. Never been in a family that struggled to support its members. Never went two years without running water, barely feeding a house of 10 or more people. Having to bathe out of a bucket used to catch fish, never been raped by 4 foreigners , only to say that since they are here illegally they can’t do anything about it...and every time you went to the government to ask for aid. They refuse you.. saying that the working members of the family , who makes less than 5 dollars an hour.. makes too much money for assistance. But as you are leaving the gov't office you watch immigrants pull up to the Food Stamp office in a brand new Expedition, and immediately get aid, no questions asked. I am speaking cause I been through all of this and know both white and black families who have struggled to make ends meet on a system that does not help the poor. I am only 27, but I have been through so much stuff, that I am bitter at this country. I feel let down, because my opinion does not seem to matter in a corporate country. SO I ask you.. SHOULD I LOVE MY COUNTRY ? Should I love a system that is so unfair to the people who was birthed here for generations ? Should I love a country that gives free money to any other ethnic race that is looking to live the American Dream ? Is the American Dream not worthy enough for Americans ? Why.. should I praise a country that does not love us ? .. When I mean us.. I mean Americans.. of all colors..




  1. Change your attitude from victim to victor. Count your blessings, name them one by one.... and be thankful for the good things that you've got. For the good things that you've got are for many just a dream.

  2. You really have a point about foreigners getting relief before Americans, you can see this in the Asian population that is migrating here as well. I still love my country though. At least we have the freedom of expression and are allow to speak on behalf of our beliefs.  In some places this is considered treason.  

  3. Sounds like you have some personal and philosophical issues to work out.  Y!A is not the place.

  4. I agree with you totally. Our country is so backwards that it's not even funny. The poor get poorer, while the rich get even richer. Bush gives billions of dollars to a stupid war that we are losing by the way instead of giving it to help the poor in our own country! People in other countries hate Americans, because of how perverted we are as a country. But hey I would rather live here than in many other countries. Although we are messed up. Really messed up!!!! Most countries are far worse. There are many benefits to being American.

  5. Yes




    Because you benefit in so many ways from living in this country.

    There, I think that answers all your questions.

  6. It's not up to the rest of us to tell you what you 'should' do.  It's only up to you to do whatever you feel is right.  If you hate America, you are rightfully entitled to your feelings on the subject.  And you're also entitled to do something about it.  Why remain in such a nasty h**l?  Feel free to exercise your right to leave at anytime.

  7. Wow, you sound angry!! I think you're going to get a lot of insulting comments...

  8. I agree with you on many of your points that you bring up. It is frustrating to be someone who was born and raised here, and we do not receive that same benefits as people who are here illegally or just came over here. I do really hate that part of our system. But, I don't confuse that with hating my country. I still love my country, because there is no other place that I would rather live. Where else could we vent our feelings of discontentment, and not be punished for it.  

  9. no doubt this country has its faults but i dont think i would want to live anywhere else. your story is too say about going two years w/o running water, barely feeding a house of 10 or more people. how did that even come to happen? the bathing out of a bucket..i mean- what? where were the parents? were they working? who were these children that were being raped? were they under supervision?  

  10. Never knew suffering?  Honey, my mother destroyed one of my hands and one of my feet trying to abort me because she didn't want to have a baby by a black man.  I was thrown into the streets on and off while I was in high school.  Somehow, I managed to attend community college for a short time but had to drop out and currently I work minimum wage jobs just to get the things I need.  I love this country.  

  11. You are looking to Government for happiness? You are looking in the wrong place. Only God can truly make you happy. You need a personal relationship with Jesus. You need to open your heart and mind to him. Don't store your treasures here on earth, be concerned about your treasures in heaven. Look to heaven on a daily basis for your happiness. This world or this Country will never make you happy because it belongs to Satan right now. You need to look up and you need to be salt of this world. If you want a relationship with God and don't know where to start go to and start listening to the Sunday messages. There was a great message this week by a great Allister Beig.

    I don't know who told you there is nothing that can be done about the people that raped you but they are incorrect. There is something you can do and if it was your local people call the FBI.

  12. no one is forcing you to stay here I have benefited greatly by being a US citizen.  If you don't like it here i am sure you can find happiness some where else

  13. Read the life stories of Oprah Winfrey or Condi Rice. Theirs is much the same story are you describe above. They could be YOU!! So while you obviously have a struggle ahead of you, the American dream IS in your reach.

    Much of it is about attitude. If you believe you can't make it, you're probably correct. If you believe you can make it, you're equally correct.

  14. When Americans of African descent try to seperate themselves from being an "american" it shoes that the white people have won.

    America has problems, but a Black person born in America will have a much better life than most other countries (2/3 of the world's population).

    Love is unconditional. If you love someone they are the person who can make you more angry, and hurt you more deeply than anyone else.

    You wouldn't care, you wouldn't be upset, if you didn't love your country.

    If you don't like things, then change them, make the country you live in a better place or leave it. Stop complaining.

    Confucius said if wealth is fairly distributed then even if everyone is poor, no one feels poor. In the US poor people suffer more than in any other developed country.

    But there life is better than 2/3rds of the world.

    Personally the real question in life is not whether things are good or bad, but the question of, will tomorrow be better and the related question of, how can I make it better.

  15. Barack, is that you?  Welcome to Y!A.

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