
I do not have a green card but my wife is a citizen.will i be allowed to join the army???

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I do not have a green card but my wife is a citizen.will i be allowed to join the army???




  1. I believe so... but could be wrong. My best friends husband was from Canada, and he joined the Army before he was a citizen.

  2. Call a recruiter! They are happy to answer your questions about enlistment, and you won't have an opinion, you'll have a fact.

  3. sorry , you must have a green card .ppl go and check b/4 you give thumbs down..

  4. Th Army will take u and make you a citizen after about 6 mos of combat.  Anyway I know you will absolutely fall in love with Iraq or Afganistan.  Keep ur head down.  Oh n make sure u tell them u want infantry all th way.   make us proud

  5. ARM is right!and i know only us citizens can join.good luck!

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