
I do not have the (to go) feeling. For example I had not poo'ed in 5 days nor did I have "that feeling to go"?

by  |  earlier

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I was feeling nausea and lethargic and was aware I hadn't went. I bought the magnesium citrate and was good but it seems I never have the feeling at all and have to take something to make it happen! plus my poo is never solid so you would think there wouldn't be any reason for it not to come on out but nope, unless I do something outside the body there is nothing. Before I make the trip to the doc, I guess just looking for any suggestions...

BTW- my diet is healthy...fiber etc. so i know that's not the prob..




  1. Are you getting enough fluids to help all that fiber? Fiber alone without adequate liquids just set up like concrete in your bowels. My daughter had severe constipation and her nutritionist told us to up her water intake - it really helped.

  2. MY daughter has severe constipation takes myrolax.Her doctor told me that when you get that way your colon will keep expanding causing you not to feel when you have to p**p.

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