
I do not know Italian, but I had a dream last night and everyone, including me, were speaking Italian and I?

by Guest66657  |  earlier

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understood and was able to speak it fluently-what do you think this means?




  1. This means that it will come naturally to you.

    I once had a dream about playing tennis and in the dream I had a wicked serve - technically i was perfect. The next day out on the courts I came out with consistent killer serves.

    Same thing happened to me once when I had a dream about snow skiing....

    I hope the same happenes to you too. Italian is a great language.... and like learning any (2nd) language: it helps you open a door into other people's realities.

  2. It means you should get to Italy as soon as possible. Your destiny is there and you must follow it ASAP.

  3. Italian is one the romance languages I think some nice things are currently in store for you.

  4. If you were aware that people around were speaking Italian and not other language, then, for sure, you have the ability to speak/understand it, too!

    E simplissima! Questa lingua e per tutto mondo!

    It sounds nice. For a beginning listen to some of their singers' songs and it'll definitely be much easier for you.

    Good luck!

  5. Well... take into consideration that if you go to Italy, you will find less than 5% italians able to speak some english... you should learn some 50 italian words, before you come to Italy, if you want to stay here for some months.

  6. Probably you lived in Italy in one previous life...

  7. You must come here!

    One advice? for the first days  coast inhabitant of Romagna: Ravenna, Rimini, MilanoMarittima, then all the rest. Ciao!

  8. how do you know you were speaking italian if you don`t understand italian... for all you know you were dreaming in Hebrew...

    or Klingon... ( star trek )

    or Parsi...

    or Tagalog...

  9. take Italian classes.  seriously- its incredible.

    Actually, it was most likely a past life- flash back.

    Often dreamers have 'replays' of past lives in the mind.

    Look for those people in  your life today, they are there, we recycle back into the same circles of love.

  10. it was probably gibberish with an italian accent that your brain translated into english(thus understanding it).. it probably means that you want to learn italian.. or go to italy. or something along those lines

  11. Maybe it's about time to learn the Italian language. (--,)

  12. lei capisce l'italiano ? vorrebbe mangare qualqoze con me ?

    berre del vino..


    it means u love this language and you wanna learn it.. its very easy, give it a shot.

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