
I do not know what is the status of hunger in Vietnam of origin. Could you tell me about it?

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I do not know what is the status of hunger in Vietnam of origin. Could you tell me about it?




  1. Of course robocop is an expert on Vietnam cuz he's been there ZERO times. Sorry dude, stick to something you know about.

    I imagine there is hunger and want in Vn but to tell you the truth, from what I've seen, it's pretty rare.

    We have a very elderly neighbor (89 yo) who lives on a retirement income of about $800 usd/year. Although she is able to eat on that amount of money, my wife, as well as our other neighbors, make sure that she is looked after.

    Vietnam is one of the most fertile countries on earth. Very few people go hungry. Yes, most of them are skinny, but if my diet consisted of mostly rice, fish and soup, I believe I would shed more than a few pounds.

    We live in a rural area and have some elderly beggars as well as a very few new mothers who need assistance. The nice thing is that I can give them the equivalent of 50 cents USD (1/4 of a days pay) and they can eat for two or three days.

    BTW robo, it's a socialist republic and since I doubt you can read Viet, try googling The Vietnam Times and do some reading. Hoa Thuan :-)

  2. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and its branch in Vietnam, the Quaker's Service Vietnam (QSV) have been actively working in the country since the 1960's (in  the Northern and Southern regions separately and then in the entire country together after reunification in 1975). QSV recently reported:

    "Since hunger is a major problem in areas where storms and floods cripple rice production, a primary focus of QSV development assistance work is to increase food production for the rural poor. Child malnutrition in the highland areas is as high as 50 percent, and seasonal hunger is chronic in weather-vulnerable coastal areas." (See

    From the above Quaker report and my own observation, hunger must be limited to certain areas of the country and is not widespread. The Vietnamese have done a wonderful job in rebuilding their country after 40 years (1940-1945, 1946-1954, 1957-1975, 1979-1986)  of war and 20 years (1975-1995) of economic blockade. They have been very successful in their poverty reduction effort in the last 20 years and we can be sure, the hunger issue (as limited as it is) will be resolved also.

    Rick M.: Great job in furthering friendship and understanding between our country and Vietnam. Kudos to you and your wife!

    Robocop: Can the Cold War rhetoric. It's 17 years out of date!

  3. Of course, there is no hunger, no inequality, no discrimination, and no unhappiness in Ho Chi Mihn's glorious People's Republic of Vietnam...anyone who says other wise is a traitor and will be tortured and shot.


    I imagine that if China has 20% of it's population officially listed as under-nourished or mal-nourished (and they do, I researched that only a week ago) that Vietnam is in worse shape....however, Vietnam will never allow information like that to be released to the public....especially the international public.

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