
I do not know what to do.?

by  |  earlier

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I like this girl for over 5 years she stares in my direction in class I catch her in the corner of my eye and I look over there she either looks at her friend or down back at her book.

Few years back I would hold the door for her, she would say thanks..

Sometimes we are caught looking at eachother giggling with eachother and my friend would say Ima lucky guy you prob got her etc etc.

Now if I actually find out she likes me, I will approach her tell me if we could hang out. But its hard for me to do that if you never realyl talked to them.

We have NEVER Talked just stared or giggling at one another over the years.

Shes shy and cute. and doesn't do all that bad stuff some typical teenaged girl would be pressured into.




  1. well its easy grow some balls and get to know her it maybe she likes you. it wont hurt to know her little like try doing homework or other stuff together like eat lunch together and stuff and talk. if you dont make a move you may regret it later...........

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