
I do not live in Germany and would like to know????

by Guest56813  |  earlier

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Are there any more n***s because we see so much movies every day about how German are, being they do not like foreigners and they want all the world speak there language ?




  1. The way you asked this question makes it difficult to answer. You're using n**i as a social belief, but n**i's were political. So I will answer both. The n**i or NSDAP party was dissolved after world war II, it's dead.  Similar parties have emerged since than such as the FDP and KPD. KPD (they’ve been working on a revival) was dissolved and FDP hold a small strong hold in east German regions. The way the laws are written no party may emerge that is similar to the n**i party. That's why some people are arguing to get rid of the FDP.

    Now in terms of social belief, yes Skinheads still exist and are considered by some as Neo- n***s. However they, unlike the n**i party do not think everyone should be speaking German ( no German is actually that way. If anyone is like that it's French) and that Germans should conquer and rule the world. They're more about the Aryan race and have strong tendencies to dislike foreigners. They're very similar to skinheads in the US. Bomber jackets, Doc Marten's with white laces and bald heads that jump people in groups. In Germany, they as are partial to PITBULL clothing wear and are members of the PITBULL club. It's a step away from the Bomber jackets as PITBULL makes T-shirts and Polo Shirts. Typically people who wear this clothing associate themselves with right wing extremists views.  Again remember they're mostly uneducated (no higher level/ secondary education) and don't hold any political power. It's a small minority. We view them more as being annoying and they most certainly don't speak for the rest of the population. Germans are pretty tolerant of others.

  2. I live in Germany but i am not. There are some people whom don't like foreigners especially from east Europe and exotic country. But you can find people , they are nice  , but you don't know exactly what are their  feeling, you can not get the truth .  and German language  will be second language in EU.

  3. I live in Germany and I am American (a foreigner).  There are a few n***s, but not like during Hitler's time.  Actually, German school aged children are required to visit a concentration camp at some point.  That's a somber experience.  I can't imagine that too many leave saying, "I want to be a n**i."  As far as the language thing goes, Germans appreciate it if you try to speak their language.  I have found that most Americans don't even attempt and they are still respected.  Typically, if their English is better than my German they will speak English and often will apologize that their English is so terrible.  I've gone into restaurants w/ my husband and we haven't even talked to one another in their presence and they automatically speak English to us.

  4. @ DM they are not forced to go to a camp only some do as an excursion but the rest is pretty much true

  5. There are not more n***s in Germany than in the USA or Russia or any other country. I don't remember the last time I saw one here. But I remember seeing one in TX when I was there in April.

    @Shlomo: I am from East Germany by the way...and I've also been to Berlin many times and I haven't seen any n***s there. All I saw was tourists and Turks. There is no reason not to come to East Germany, not even the villages (I'm from a village).

  6. these movies must have been recorded in some small german village in the east

    i guess you are US american

    and when we see US americans they dont give a good picture(loud and not noble)

    we regard the USA as the comming new n**i-like regime

    in terms of:

    torturing innocent people

    killing innocent people

    starting wars without legal proof

    not following own law

    illegal manipulated elections

    almost everything is corrupt

    blinded, hyper patriotic population.

  7. There are many n***s in Berlin and other parts of east germany ...sad. I would not travel there - western germany is pretty safe.

  8. Hi.

    I live in Germany.

    No it's not that everyone in Germany

    is a n**i. But there are still some

    that don't like foreigners. But most

    of them are to afraid to say it out

    loud only if they are with their friends

    who thinks the same

  9. I love Germany as a country. I have n´t met any kind of those guys if you wanna call them n***s. Germany as biggest country in Europe ,it deserve to have more considering of everything , language and higher level on the Global.

    Many time people askig me, Are German people hard, I say they are not but if anyone live in his country and see many foreigners around him sharing with him his life ,food, houses , cars,  hleping from the government and even sometimes his girl friend. He will be crazy.

    So no wonder that German do not like foreigners.

    And I think we need Germany as a big country to make Global  balance against the one powerfull of the world but what apitty the present P-minister she goes with the wave of USA too that why I ratherd the last P-minister Mr.Schreuder Gerhard.

    Sure I do not like all, because so much German pissed me off . they are arrogant and especially the least of them civilized peoples.

  10. There are some old n***s still living in Germany.  Many gained high level positions in Germany after WWII.  However, many of them have died.  There appears to be a rising number of neo-n***s in Germany, but they are not the majority.  There does seem to be a victim mentality voiced by a lot of Germans, as if they were the victims of WWII, which downplays the evil done by the n**i regime, but most Germans are aware of n**i atrocities and have left that past behind them.  I don't think you could know for certain what any individual's opinions on anti-semitism, racism, etc. are because they would not voice those opinions out loud.

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