
I do not speak German, what to do in Germany???

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I am people orianted , where online can meet nice women from Germany before i tral to Hannover




  1. I am sure you will meet very nice people in Germany. In Germany you will be drinking a lot of beer and then some more beer.

  2. A lot of German people speak English so you should be okay

  3. Sure it is easy! Just go to clubs, bars, pubs and you will find a lot of nice German women, who can usually all talk in English!!

    Online is difficult...

  4. I was born in Germany and lived there until I was 13 (I'm now 17). Over the years Englisch has been used more and more often, since many schools teach it at a young age. You will have no problem being able to communicate with others. Even those who are not completely fluent in Englisch will likely know enough to help you out.

  5. smiling is the best words

  6. Try yahoo chat and see if you can find some German ladies. Be careful the net is not always the best place to meet people. Germans for the most are supposed to speak english because english is a required second language however, you will find many germans young and old if you ask if they speak english they will respond "nay". Frankfurt I found to be more friendly toward tourists. Be yourself, smile, and hopefully you will have fun.

  7. what are you after? I date? Go to and check out some nice German ladies...

  8. so what, if you can speak english you can do it

    so go away

    bye bye

  9. hey, i´m a germany girl. we have so much single chat room.,,, and a lot more.

    the most of us speak english cause that is our second language after german.

    i hope you will find what you looking for.

  10. Most Germans do speak English. Once you're there, go to dance clubs. You should be able to meet some German women there.

  11. hey don´t worry about that part nearly all of us germans are speking english not very good, but you should be able to talk with us

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