
I do not speak fluent Italian but would like to get a job in southern Italy - any ideas of what I could do?

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I do not speak fluent Italian but would like to get a job in southern Italy - any ideas of what I could do?




  1. Just do it! You obviously know some Italian, which will be of great benefit and you will learn more as you are there.

  2. I'm italian (excuse me for my english).

    In Italy the 90% of people speaks and can undrestand english. You can speak in english and a lots of italians can understand you.

    but i want to say you that in  southern Italy there isn't job, for italian, too.

    The best palce where you can go is in Lazio, in general, or in florence. Don't go in Milan, it isn't the bast place to learn italian. In fact italian is very difficult: many italian do mistakes yet. Like me in english. You can do the ice-cream-man!!! in italian gelataio, it's funny and you can do a lots of money.

  3. hi Mod!!! i'm italian from the south extaly!!! it's great that u wanna come here but belive me there arent a lot change to work here, it's very difficult for us too. you can prove in turism try to find some turist agency and send your curriculum... good luck!!! ;-)

  4. i live in Sardinia and i can tell you that here there is no work! sorry but it's the truth in fact I'm planning to go in UK

  5. you could be a jolly successful writer and earn absolutely loads from book royalties, then write more, down there in sunny southern italy

  6. As long as you speak some Italian you should be ok, but take some more Italian lessons in your spare time.

  7. Dont worry in the south of italy they will help you so much...about the job i see a bit difficolt find one there...but you will enjoy the holiday!

  8. impari parlare più meglio la lingua

  9. Assuming you are eligible for a work visa (in other words, you have EU citizenship) you could teach English or work in a bar in a resort town.

  10. Speaking just for Naples here.. but I wouldn't get a first job in the South... Fellow Italian very sorry but yes- the north in more cosmopolitan. In the south people tend not to have as much patience in understanding people. The further South you go the less likely you will be understood. I wouldn't reccommend Milan but maybe Lazio, Rome, Firenze (don't know the English sorry!!) or a big city like that. The South is a wonderful place I would just reccommend a bit more experience. You will pick up Italian no problem

    Good Luck wherever you end up.


    Maria Grazia

  11. I am Italian and I am sure that you can learn the language here. In the Sputh people are very friendly and they could help you learn Italian. Don't worry about this, you'll find a place to call home in Italy! Hope you will enjoy this country, it's so beautiful...

  12. Go there, get work, learn on job.

  13. Just go there and give it a try. When you've been there a few days tell everyone that you love their country and their language and that you really want to learn it. So please only speak to you in Italian from then on. It'll be a bit tough, but within a month or so you'll be well on your way. And good luck!

  14. U could speak fluent Italian by coming in the north of Italy like Turin or Milan. I live in Turin and I love it. Especially in the "provincia", outside Turin.

    It's not so fine to live in a city because of the smog, the higher temperatures, the people inside.. etc.

    It's a thousand times better outside the city.

    It's no good to go in the south of the country because there is no job, the people live through the Mafia. Did you heard about it?

    You could study Italian at the University of Turin, Languages and have a little job, part-time, like most of the students Erasmus here and other students.

    I do work even though I live with my parents.

    I am Romanian but I live here for 10 years and I love everything about Italy.

  15. You could beef up your Italian at the University for Foreigners in Perugia. Then, you could always try getting a job teaching English or even doing translation from Italian to English.

  16. perhaps you can find something within the tourist buisness..there's always a need for someone who speaks good english.

    these are just a couple of examples of hotels in Calabria southern Italy

  17. Act dumb.

  18. Try to learn more of Italian language but there are a lot of Italians nowadays who knows how to speak English. You can work on their tourist area. If you have friends or relatives living and working in Southern Italy then try to ask for their help to recommend a job for you. Good luck. (--,)

  19. Italian classes won't prepare u to the true spoken italian ( being from the north of italy i myself struggle with some southern italian accents ) but they would definitely help you get the basis of the language. Don't expect people to speak English.

    good luck ( " buona fortuna" in italian.... start from now lol)

  20. you could teach english or try to get a job in an english/irish bar?????

  21. Just go and visit all the English schools in the area. Now is a good time to visit as though their won't be much work left this year someone will take you on for the new teaching year starting in September. Two great articles that explain everything are and

    My wife is of Italian descent - her father was born there- but she had never been there before we moved to Italy ten years ago and she had a job teaching English within a week

  22. Work in the kitchen.

  23. learn italian

  24. a job in the southern italy?????

    it's very hard to find!! good luck!

    (i'm italian)

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