
I do not want my full email address visible in groups.?

by  |  earlier

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I keep re-editing my profile, making sure to click the box that says 'NO, do not make my email address visible to users", and yet, there it is - every time. WHAT am I missing? No one else has their full email addy displayed in the groups I'm in. HELP?????




  1. geberally speaking on a yahoo group, while reading posts there, you see nothing past the @...  as long as you're just a member. owners and moderators can see the full addresses while on the members list.

    'NO, do not make my email address visible to users" is for profile purposes only and has nothing to do with groups- only way to not show your address is if the group allows it to be hidden- if groups you belong to don't allow this (many do not since you loose the polls feature) consider using a generic address

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