
I do not want to add the signature to all my outgoing messages, instead to all messages posted from my group.?

by  |  earlier

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I do not want to add the signature to all my outgoing messages, instead to all messages posted from my group.?




  1. click management- under group settings click messages- Subject Tag and Footer (Edit) <-- click the edit- add you signature- click save changes

  2. Do you want to add it to all messages that every member posts from your Group, or just all messages that you post from your Group?

    If it's the former, Groups does not have anything called a signature, but it does have something similar called a footer.  Read my source page below to find out if it fits what you want, and if so how to set it.

    If it's the latter, that isn't something that can be done automatically.  You would have to copy and paste your signature onto the bottom of each message you post from your Group.

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