
I do not want to offend anyone, but if Scientology was "invented" by a Sci Fi writer, why follow...?

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My question is two part question, ok- 1. Was it an invented religion by a writer? 2. why shun former members. I read about L Ron Hubbard as I was once getting involved in Scientology, once I read that he (L Ron H.) started as a writer of Science Fiction and commented how easy and profitable-it would be to invent a religion, I lost interest. I mean, are people really able to follow this when it seems I myself could make this up just as easily? "Thetans" as Scientologists call them, I could call them "Zentrons" , so who invented that word? I guess a religion has to start somewhere, but L Ron Hubbard announced his intentions and people still follow. (?) So, why would otherwise nice and intelligent people play what seems essentially make-believe ? Ok- that is up to them BUT what about those who wish to leave the fold- the members shut out those who leave the church and call them Supressive People or degraded humans? Families stop speaking to those who leave the church. Seems rather "old minded" and closed minded for a church that prides itself on being advanced beings, or Thetans.




  1. All of the religions were invented by "writers."

  2. We Scientologists believe in Scientology because we have it use it and it works.

    The fact that LRH was navy captain during WW2, that he was one of the first licensed pilots, that we the youngest eagle scout of his time, that he lead many expedition of the explorers club and the could write a whole book in a few days is a testament to his ability.

    A religious leaders must be able to communicate and write. LRH wrote thousands of writing, did hundreds of lectures and teached thousands personally.

    Look a Christianity, thay all disagree with what Jesus said because he didn't wrote down a single document and everything is word of mouth.

    LRH developed hundreds of techniques in sequential steps to take man from clear to eternity.

    Scientology is no game, it takes years to study, and as an auditor you see results every single day.

    Scientology works, end of story.

    1. We don't shun former members.

    2. Make money with religion, you are kidding me LRH spent his fortune developing Scientology not the other way around, that quote is a lie. He could have lived a very affluent and idle life writting but no he dedicated his life to travel, teach and help man.

    3. Scientology states that man is a Spiritual being that controls a body through a mind. To represent this life force, the Greek symbol for though: “Theta” was selected to avoid confusion with any prior practice. Theta is a very practical word to describe the human spirit: "thought".

    4. "Make believe" an engram is not make believe is very real.

    5. Families do not stop speaking to those to leave the church, that is a lie. People go and come when ever they want. In fact every time you finish a course you are out. This is just like going to college.

    Everything you presented is a bunch of black propaganda and misconceptions. You don't have a clue of what you are talking about. No offense intended.

  3. People believed we were being invaded by aliens when War of the Worlds was broadcast. Isn't that answer enough?

  4. Scientology is no offensive... a load of [Fishsticks].

  5. 1. Yes. It was founded on L. Ron Hubbard's pseudoscience and the desire for money and power.

    2. I don't.

    3. L. Ron Hubbard invented the word.

    4. People look to religion as a source of many things lacking in their lives, be it Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Wicca, Norse mythology, or Scientology. Scientology usually lures in new converts by promising them therapy that will fix their psychological (and sometimes physical) ailments, which are both costly and not at all endorsed by modern medical science.

    Some people feel trapped by circumstances in life and even the most ridiculous beliefs are a glimmer of hope to them. Having been a believer, I understand some of the reasons one will believe in complete nonsense to deal with some tough realizations about the real world: my belief in God was something I used to pretend that I had some purpose, however small, in the grand scheme of things; to pretend that morality was something I could only adhere to if there were a God to set the standard. I'm sure there are thousands of different reasons other people have. It doesn't make them right, but it explains why they will keep holding to their fairy tales.

    5. Same reason Christians are not told to associate with non-believers. They are told that the people who don't believe are trying to lead them astray and bring them away from the goodness of their faith. Thus, those who leave or practice against the Church are condemned and those within are told to avoid or persecute them.

  6. It appears that you have spent a lot of time reading what some anti-Scientologists say Scientology is and does, but have never read a book on it or talked to a Scientologist to find out for yourself what is true or isn't.  I don't see that as a balanced research.

    LRH started his research into the human mind in 1928 while at George Washington University and published his first thesis in 1948 (Which is now the book, Dianetics: The Original Thesis) well before he published his first Science Fiction works. He's also a published writer in Westerns, Romance, Fantasy as well as being a best-selling author of Science Fiction. He was a published Explorer's Club member.  Fascinating that the anti sites forget to point that out when claiming that Scientology was "invented" by a Science Fiction writer to get people to think that it's fiction, rather than a workable technology that actually helps people (contrary to the psychs behind these sites whose drugs only enslave and kill).  Have you been manipulated?

    To answer your question though, why couldn't someone discover a new science of the mind? Who trained the first medical doctor? Didn't Freud invent psychoanalysis?

    LRH was a philosopher. So was Plato and all of that crowd. Who trained the creators? Are we unable to ever have original thought or are we just the animals that psychs want us to believe we are?

    Thanks to the psychs, man has started to believe that he is an animal when he is a spiritual being. Why do you think they would want us to believe that we only live once and will go to h**l if we aren't good little boys and girls?

  7. There's quite a lot of missing or slanted incorrect information in your question which would cause anyone to question L.Ron Hubbard and Scientology.  Infact there is a lot of deliberately circulated dis- information out there on the subject of L.Ron Hubbard and the religion he founded, Scientology.

    I dont know where exactly you got your information about L.Ron Hubbard, but  yes it is a fact that he was a popular and sucessful writer of fiction in the 1930's and 40's ( Not just Sci Fi actually). It was his chosen profesional field , but he studied Engineering and Nuclea and Molecular Physics at George Washington Uni. and was already engaged in research into the field of the Mind and Spirit even before he left,  back in the late 1920's.

    He continued this research and was able to independantly finance it from the royalties he earned from his fiction writing. This is a significant ommitted fact, because both major governements,  at the time , wanted to control his research for their purposes ( war and population control) and used money as a lure (among other tactics).

    He needed to keep the knowledge he discovered free from influence but mostly be able to make it available to anyone who wanted to find out and use it for betterment.

    So that's why he was then able to write all the NON Fiction books and deliver all the recorded public lectures (over 3000) that cover his path of research and discovery.

    As for the "urban legend" regarding what he "said or commented "

    He never said it..... it was actually George Orwell who made this comment in a letter (Google The George Orwell Letters)

    It has been proven in a court of law that this supposed quote is just deliberate slander, but of course the purpose of circulating a rumor like this is to invalidate the man and his work, so it continues to be out there  disguised as "Fact". This is an ancient tactic, called rumor mongering.

    Should you decide to find out for yourself what was discovered and published in written form by L.Ron Hubbard you can simply read the books he wrote on the subject  in chronological sequence,

    He published them over a 5 year period (1950 to 1955)  


    The Original Thesis (originally a manuscript 1949, published as a book later)

    1. Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health

        The Evolution of a Science

    2. Science of  Survival  : (This is the book that maps the              transition from Mind /Dianetics to Spirit / Scientology)

    3. Self Analysis

    4. Advance Procedure & Axioms

    5 . Handbook for Pre-Clears.

    6. The History of Man

    7. Scientology 8-80

    8. Scientology 8-8008

    9. The Creation of Human Ability

    10. Dianetics 55

    11.Scientology:The Fundementals of Thought.

          all by L.Ron Hubbard

    Also there are no "followers" of Scientology. A Scientologist is a person who understands life and is trained so that he has the technocal skill to handle and resolve the problems of life for himself and others.

    Scientology is for use and application,  it  helps. A Scientologist causatively helps.

  8. Scientology is just as valid and factual as any other religion.

  9. It was invented. The author is loaded. He has 100 dollar bills for toilet paper. (Exaggeration, but still..)

  10. your right he made up his religion to get money.

  11. No offense taken.  But you are wrong on all accounts.

    I am perfectly happy to be a Scientologist regardless of who discovered it.

  12. Offend?  sometimes you just have to call it what it is.

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