
I do nothing that I know of to hold any particular human race 'down', should I do more to help them up?

by  |  earlier

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Charity starts at home. I am more concerned with myself being happy and successful first before I want to take on other people's endeavors. What do you think, am I not doing enough or should I make my life a living sacrifice to the prosperity of ethnic groups?




  1. Just be as kind and unselfish to people of different ethnicities as you are to your own (if you are, that is). That's all that's necessary... and in fact, it's basically *the same thing* as your own happiness and success.

  2. The "victims" of "racism" will never allow racism to die.

    It is far too good of an excuse for virtually anything you could think of.

    And they do think of them.

  3. you may be playing a role in a system that holds people back. it's called intsitutional racism and many people follow rules, laws and habits that are unfair and hold people down without even knowing it. think a little more about it.

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