
I don´t understand what he wants!!! (guys only) please heap

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Well I´ve liked a guy (sebastian) for more than a year and he found out one day through "friends". After that he got really shy around me but that if he was by himself if he was with friends he would act "cool". I invited him as FRIENDS to the movies (not just him it was him and so other friends) he said yes and never showed. Well after that I just ignored him but then I catched him looking at me all the time (his father too), he even asked me to dance with him at our prom through one of my friends but I said no (too shy), I thought he liked me since we had chatted on msn tons of times and at school once or twice but... then I found out he got a girlfriend (like 2 months ago) and they always make sure I see them togetherr". She and his friends always ask if I still like him but I don´t answer. The other day a saw him at blockbuster well... I saw his friends. They ran over to him and told him I was there. 2 seconds later he was standing behind me "pretending to look at movies" so I grabed some random movie and got out.

I know he has a girlfriend but I´ve seen him looking at me, we´ve chatted, etc... and I don´t know if he´s just using her to make mejealouss because he likes me or not. Please help me




  1. I think he likes you. N some guys just come out about it. N he mite like her but still like you to. N from a guys point of view he probly doesn't want it to get to hot but. maybe you n him need to just talk about it one on one. N if its that real he will come out with it. Just give it some time or wait 4 him n dat chick to break up. But make a move before he gets taken up again.

  2. he is a player......he doesnt love u...

  3. okay ya just stay away from him i think hes trying to get you to help him cheat on his girlfriend with you. i think he like you but dont get him to like you he has a gf and you might mess up his and your life like that this is not a movie its real life

  4. Girl just run because I heard really bad possive girlfriend stories

  5. What? You like him, he invited you to prom, and you denied?? Not the best idea.

  6. I know you said guys only, but I think I know alot about men. I would say that your friend likes but at the same time wants to keep the GF. He wants his cake and eat it too. Maybe he is trying to make his GF more alert by letting her and the friends know you like him. I say you know he has a girl, find yourself a guy that is only going to have eyes for you. Kick him to the curb. It is okay to be friends but unless you want a broken heart steer clear.

  7. you both are shy  and  he likes you as a friend  and dont want to ruin that  you think more like a bf/gf  drop it  all  on the table in privet tell him how you feel and see what he say and do  get a bf go  on as friends .......

  8. Well I think that Sebastian does love you. Since its obvious if he asked his friends to ask you if you wanted to dance at your prom, if hes shy around you that's another sign he might love you, and if he acts "cool" around his friends that's probably because he doesn't want them to know that he likes you(That's if they don't already know.) You probably right that he might just be using his girlfriend to make you jealous. But if you still so love him, and if you really want to know if he loves you or not, and if you want to go out with him, You should confront him. Don't ask him this on msn. Confront him in real life next time you see him. Ask him those questions and anymore that you want to, and that way you can learn what you want to know. Good luck with this, and hopefully the best turns out for you.

  9. WTF he wont talk to you in real life thats not a relationship.

    If they ask again if you like him tell htem "how can I feel anything for a guy who cant or wont talk to me when we meet, I cant have a bf on msn only!

    PS his father is a creep

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