
I don't act my age, how will i deal with this??

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actually , i'm 17..

my mom said i'm still immature(i think i am), compared to other girls at my age..

i don't know how to act like a teenage girl, i guess..

i seem to be left behind...

i am actually not allowed to go out with my friends..

i just to get what my parents think towards my attitudes..

somebody give me some advice..




  1. maybe u dont act ur ages (or what u think it is) because your parents have held u back from that maturing with ur friends and learning about things that ur friends would have learnt.. if ur parents think ut immmature maybe its cos they are treating u that way..

    Maybe u shud tell her this and see what she thinks about it?

    Its nothin much 2 worry about neways..

    Different people mature at diffent times and changes..

    but dont let it get u down r nething..

  2. Don't worry. It sounds like you may be a little insecure and maybe trying too hard to impress. Or maybe you are acting like a 17yo and all the others are just acting like grown-ups. try getting into a sport where there are older girls and watch them and how they act. You may be suprised you are not alone and learn from them. Don't rush growing up but remember to be sensible and responsible. Growing up is difficult at times and people may not understand you but hang in there. In time all will be well. My sis also feels the same and relies on me instead of Mum to advise her.

  3. You don't have to fit the norm. Everybody is different, has different thought processes and mature at different rates. Don't try and force it and tell your parents they have to accept you the way you are. And how does she know how teenage girls act now? Tell her not to compare you to anybody else if she loves you.

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