
I don't believe in Global warming ! Do you?

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It's not rthat i don't understand the concepts of global warming ,

or the theories about how it will occur

nor the fact there are demonstable data

showing that the earths temperature is rising slightly


i think that the world we live in

is far more complex then any climatologists can model

that there are


a lot of unknown variables

that could actually trigger

a global cooling


small perturbations

aka the butterfly effect

could cause all oorts of climate fluctuations

what do ya reckon?




  1. heck no its just a communist plot using propaganda distributed by Al Gore. In ten years everyone willl discover its a fake and I'll be there..saying yep told you so.

  2. i reckon that you can look at the temperatures average globally and see how they increase over the years. and look at how polar shelves are just breaking off because they are melting and fish populations are dying because of increased temperatures.


    i dont think its as big a deal as everyone makes it.

    the world works in cycles

    so basically the temperature spikes before a dramatic decrease in temperature, or an ice age basically, then it warms back up to an average life supporting temperature, then spikes again ect ect. so basically global warming is just an inevitable part of living on earth because thats how it renews its self.

  3. The problem is we don't understand the climate enough. We cant predict the weather correctly most of the time but we are suppose to believe we can predict the climate 50 years from now.

  4. i agree completely, the weather patterns dont even back it up lol. so basically that idiot gore just made some c**p up, and everyone freaks out over it just like y2k.

  5. I think that if the world can have ice ages, it can heat up a little too.

  6. I do believe in global warming too. It just I don't know how warm it will be  before the reverse will start. I wander if the people will survive to this maximum temperature.

  7. I would say you are correct

  8. i totally think global warming is real

  9. The earth goes through cooling and warming cycles and has for thousands of years it is not caused by man. Here is a link to a petition against this scam.

  10. No I do not believe that global warming is caused by man. I believe that the sun causes the Earth to warm and cool in ways that we don’t fully understand yet.

    Man does very little or next to nothing to change the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. The main driver of warming trends is cloud formation and it is linked with the sun’s output over time.

    CO2 is a minor green-house gas and our contribution when factoring in water vapor makes up less than 1% of the total green-house gases in our atmosphere.

  11. well lets see there was no cars and big industry  and every thing was normal , now too many cars and power plant and where do you think all that heat and pollution go ???????

  12. uniformitarianism says that the key to the present and future is the past in terms of where geology is concerned. In geological history, Earth goes through precise cycles of very very cold (ice age) to very very hot. As time is going by (millions of years) it will become hotter because of this cycle and global warming will happen as it has thousands of times in the past. Then we will revert back to an ice age. This is very far in time anyway we will be long dead. But it should be discussed for the future of far far generations.

  13. There's real science, with honest and dedicated scientists.

    Then there's global warming with it's junk scientists, demented politicians and lobbyists.

    Of course it's not real, but look at how the world's economies are starting to suffer because of it.  Gas prices at unbelievable highs.  Carbon credits from the farce called Kyoto.  Food prices beginning to skyrocket.  Travel and tourism down.  All for what?  A hoax.

    G/W isn't real, but those politicians and so-called scientists  who promote it are, and like a cancer they're out to slowly kill us.

  14. Global warming is happening wether u believe it or not

    we humans caused it cuz chemicals we r sending in the air and it destroying the ozone layer, which protects us from the sun. without the ozone layer more uv rays will heat up the earth melting the glaciers send the earth underwater!

  15. we humans, are insignificant in the scheme of things.

    we would do well to remember this at times...

    Solar & Cosmic Radiation drive our weather systems.

    what do I reckon?

    we have other things to worry about...sure, tornadoes are scary but...

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