Science now also believes that humans may have evolved from a molocual or organism that come into this planet and mixed with gases and other things devoluping into a life form. I find that to be a good posibility, thoery; but I combine it with, that life form such as a bug, aint, or so on reproduced and it's offspring started to Cross Breed to where it ended up making other spieces such as humans. Cross Breeding was proved by them cross breeding dogs' offsprings to where the offsprings ended up being an entirely new breed of dogs. Realize that cross breeding can be done with animals of different kinds; dogs with cats, and not unheard of, humans with animals. Then the story of Adam and Eve was a story not exact for people to learn. It tells of them standing alone; but, I can't believe the Lord our Creator didn't put birds and bees as mentioned before. It tells s*x is bad; they realized they were naked, desease proves it. Man and Woman OK; don't make new species. Ok, we need it.