
I don't believe in evolution as by science, theory, and spiritual, see if you agree with my theory?

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Science now also believes that humans may have evolved from a molocual or organism that come into this planet and mixed with gases and other things devoluping into a life form. I find that to be a good posibility, thoery; but I combine it with, that life form such as a bug, aint, or so on reproduced and it's offspring started to Cross Breed to where it ended up making other spieces such as humans. Cross Breeding was proved by them cross breeding dogs' offsprings to where the offsprings ended up being an entirely new breed of dogs. Realize that cross breeding can be done with animals of different kinds; dogs with cats, and not unheard of, humans with animals. Then the story of Adam and Eve was a story not exact for people to learn. It tells of them standing alone; but, I can't believe the Lord our Creator didn't put birds and bees as mentioned before. It tells s*x is bad; they realized they were naked, desease proves it. Man and Woman OK; don't make new species. Ok, we need it.




  1. Let us know when you actually succeed in this becoming a pragmatic reality and are actually doing it.

  2. What are your plans when you finally realize that not in your future?

    I you insist on continuing in school, you may eventually learn what a "theory" actually is. Then you will know that "theory" and wild ramblings are not synonymous.

  3. Dogs cannot cross breed with cats, humans cannot breed with animals.

    There are a few different species that can cross breed and reproduce such as the horse and the donkey but their offspring are not fertile.

  4. Normal evolution works fine as an explanation.  It doesn't require molecular material from outerspace or cross breading between species.  The evolutionary tree is quite well defined by traditional science and there are no particularly troubling gaps in the lineages or leaps of logic required.

  5. it is VERY rare for interspecies breeding and usually their offspring  can't reproduce and are hardly viable...

  6. What you propose is known as an idea, not a hypothesis, but you need to provide some credible evidence then you can propose a hypothesis.  If a hypothesis is tested with all known evidence, then it "may" eventually be accepted as a "theory."  Why don't you research your idea & find some supporting facts, then propose a hypothesis for evaluation.

  7. It's an OK theory, can be true, but still you need evidence to make us believe that.

  8. It is a really hypothetical and challenging postulation. The reason I say this is because nowadays biologists have pr oven that the different species do not interbreed with each other, due to the developed isolating mechanisms: prezygotic and postzygotic, totally more than 10 detailed mechanisms to prevent the happening of the interbreeding of different species. However, those mechanisms are developed along with the "evolution" probably. As I said, I learned the evolution theories, but I never dought about it, so I think it will be a very nice try to help you have deeper understanding of the human development.

  9. that theory is completely incoherent.

    There is no god

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