
I don't brush my teeth.. I want to start. Help?

by Guest45486  |  earlier

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I don't physically know how to brush. I hear how your supposed to do it at a 45 angle and in circle motion... what's wrong with the way I do it? I just scrub each tooth and the same angle to teeth are (My teeth are crooked)

I want to use mouthwash and floss, but my parents are struggling enough for money. I can only use a toothbrush. Will not using mouthwash and floss make a big impact? And do these chewing gums really help you?




  1. The whole point of brushing is to get the plaque off your teeth. As long as you're getting it off, you should be fine. It is preferred to floss in order to remove plaque stuck between the teeth and to use mouthwash to kill any leftover germs.

    Also, don't forget to brush your tongue as well. Many people forget that germs can hide on your tongue too.

  2. i brush my teeth the same way you do. i dont see a problem with that. as for mouthwash and floss....just use a tooth pick and salt water

  3. floss costs like 1$ and mouth wash is like 5$...

    flossing is very important. it helps prevent gum disease. i don't use mouth wash and my teeth are very nice. i do know a lot of people who do use mouth wash, and it is useful but if you brush 2/3 times a day and floss once a day you should be good.

    your description of how you hear you're supposed to brush is right. 45 degree angle by your gums and straight on closer to the end of your teeth. hold the tooth brush straight up and down for brushing the back of the 4 front teeth of the top and bottom.

    here is a video i found on videojug for instructions on how to brush.

    I'm not entirely sure of what you are asking about the chewing gum.

    chewing gums are not meant for a substitute for brushing your teeth or flossing. sugar free gum just means it won't cause cavities. If you are asking if whitening gum really works, it doesn't. now if you are talking about gum with xylitol it has a plaque reducing effect and helps repair minor cavities.

    if you're that hard up for money next time you go to the dentist ask for extra floss. also most schools give out tooth brushes and floss so ask around.

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