
I don't care about anything anymore, why? what could i have? whats wrong with me?

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Yeh, ok here are some details, sorry i didnt post em with the question

Nothing major has happed, there is no obvious reason, but I just wake up feeling that my life is totally worthless, that it doesn't matter whether I lived or died, and that no one will miss me if I am never seen again.

This has happened before 3 years ago i think, at the time friends made me go see the counsillor. It helped but ive always been uncomfortable with talkin bout whats goin through my head, so i put on a happy face and told them what they wanted to here, nothing more done about it. 3 years have passed and ive just been bottling everything up like normal and now its happening again.

I no longer care about anything, i cant concentrate, people just seem to p**s me off, and i just spend alotta time alone, daydreaming or sleeping.

Note: Im 16, currently doing Year 11, with 2 Year 12 Subjects and i have a Job

So is this Depression or just Stress?




  1. nothings wrong with you. you might be depressed, did you lose a girl friend lately, or did somthing bad happen. if you want you can get cancelling.  

  2. If it has lasted more than two weeks, you may be suffering from clinical depression.  There are plenty of web sites list symptoms, and lack of interest is one of them.  

    If this has been going on a couple of days, give it some time, try to be active and see if something catches your interest.  Slumps are common and will go away. If it continues, please talk to a doctor.

  3. it really depends why u dont care no more!!!

    change jobs, meet new workmates, became freinds with them then u will notice a change in ur life n if ya dont, then fucked if i know!!!!! i aint no doc!!!!

    maybe its just ur attitude or its could been depression!!!!

    just change a few things round n come what may

    thats all i did n i couldnt be better...sure i still have my bad days but havin good mates gets u through it

    best of luck mate!

  4. You don't give much information, do you, but somehow I think I've been right where you are now.  No major happening, no obvious reason, but one morning I just woke up feeling that my life was totally worthless, that it didn't matter whether I lived or died, that no one would miss me if I was never seen again, and so on.  This continued for maybe 3 weeks - I'd be at work with tears in my eyes, feeling so isolated in a room full of happy, friendly people. I'd come home and crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head and hide there till next morning when the alarm woke me again to go to work.  Day after day of this, feeling as though i was isolated from everyone around me, that I was alone in my dark cloud of depression.  It took someone I hardly knew at work to realise what I was going through, and only cos she had been there herself. She cared enough about someone she barely knew to make sure I went to my doctor and told him how I was feeling, so he could offer me help, both counselling and medication to cope with my depression.  Within a month, I was back to normal, and so very thankful to that person who cared enough to step in and get me to the doctor.  Sure, occasionally I have a slight recurrence of the depression, but nowhere near as severe as that first time, cos now when I feel it creeping up on me I get myself to the doctor for professional help.  

    Its nothing to be ashamed of, its nothing to be embarrassed about, but it is serious, and can be life threatening in its severity.  Please, please, PLEASE talk to someone, telling them how you feel, whether it is a family member, a friend, a work colleague you can talk openly with, or if you are still studying, a teacher or counsellor you feel comfortable speaking with.  You can't do this on your own, trust me I've tried and failed, so I know.  Just take that first step and ask someone for help, and get them to go with you to see a doctor or counsellor.  

    Don't just try to handle it on your own.  Please take my advice and let it help you as that person at worked helped me.  Then maybe in time it will be your turn to be of some help to another person going through depression. I wish you all the best, and just ask that you remember life won't be like this all the time, it can and will get better, if you just ask for help.

  5. See a Dr....Depression can be treated

  6. you need to find a passion, a talent, anything to be passionate about life. been there...

  7. nothings wrong w/ u its only natural if you want something from time to time because, its in our nature to want but at the same time to give. just take a little bite or eat a whole chocolate bar or cake, then you might feel a lttle happier.  

  8. this could be depression,

    or just that "f-it" in ur system

  9. dude i know what your going through i stopped caring bout sports, music everything, it kinda fucked up cus for a bit i thought the only the i cared about was not caring. I came to the conflusion that it has to do with growing up and trying to fit in, specially because kids who dont care about stuff are often considered "cool". What you gotta relize (if you think what i just said applies to you) is that people will probably like the old you more than the you who doesnt give a ****

  10. It is a start of depression but it could also be caused by hormones. I had these thought too at 16 so counselling is highly suggested. I would even cry for like 2 hrs for no reason

    I met my hubby then boyfriend at this time funnily enough but having someone to pour all your problems and worries to and something to keep my mind occupied really helped.

  11. Nothing is wrong with you, you are probably having a tough time right now in your life. It's so easy to say F**k it, I don't give a Shiit anymore when you've had it. Just hang on, better days will come.

  12. you don't necessarily "have" anything. just get some fresh air.

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