
I don't care if this sounds racist or sexist, but I AM proud of this country!?

by Guest55728  |  earlier

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No matter who gets voted into office, November will mark a significant time in history! It will either be the first "black" man to be President, or the first woman to be Vice President. I do think it is awesome how far this country has come! years ago neither blacks nor women were allowed to vote, now they both have the ability to run/help run the country! Now, I do think McCain will do a better job, BUT I will support my President, regardless of the mistakes he may make. Who agrees with me?




  1. Though I do not like Palin I can say that I am proud that we now live in a time when a woman can be VP.  

  2. I agree with you.

    Go McCain/Palin 2008!

  3. right on sister

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