I really don't want to go back to school because of all the fake girly girls... I don't hate them but i just dislike how they are so fake and ugh,, i just don't ant to be in the same class as they are. I'm going to be a senior in high school now and i want to make this my best year possible, what do i do to ignore them but be nice and respectful?
And no, I'm not jealous, trust me, I'm like the type of person who does not like fakeness, the whole OMG thing or "eww did you see her face- shes not wearing makeup,", i wish everything were simple. I mean, the girls were talking about how they were "The Plastics" of the school and how they were going to create a burn book! ugh. They are always talking behind each others back and, i can't stand it! and worst of all is that there are only like 300 studentss in my school- 76 seniors and half the seniors are those girls =/