
I don't enjoy s*x that much. I have done it around six times already. Is there something wrong with me?

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I don't enjoy s*x that much. I have done it around six times already. Is there something wrong with me?




  1. I do not care how old you are, do not have s*x until you are ready. Even though you have had s*x a few times, wait. When you are not in love it won't feel right. I used to s*x up any one I could and I now realize that it was not healthy because you are giving a part of you away and letting someone dump off his or her *** on you or in you. So wait.      

  2. You may have an unexperienced partner, also, is it possible you may be g*y? Don't have s*x for the sake of it, you should want it and feel ready for it. Try masturbation to gain o****m, see how this compares.

  3. maybe ur just the type of person that does'nt like to hav s*x that much, you rather spend tim with ur partner, thats what happened to me hop this helps

  4. No there is nothing wrong with you , you just had s*x for the wrong reasons. All animals have s*x anywhere and any time and there is not any feelings of any kind involved . that is just what they do . If you however actually fall in love with someone and make love to the partner , then your ultimate goal will be to please each other and not just yourselves and it will be a beautiful experience . Be more selective of your partners , do ot let them decide , you do it and base it on your heart not his head between his legs .

  5. man you dont like it? well whateva the more for the rest of us =]

  6. You are new at it and your partner may not be able to help you because of his lack of knowledge.

  7. and that was on the first date... try time .... s*x will get better...

  8. nothing wrong with u it is just that u haven't met me yet on your bed :)

  9. nothing wrong at all.

    most of us spend our teens being told how wonderful s*x is by our peers, and how wonderful s*x can be "when your married" by our parents. we expect the earth to move and birds to start singing like they do in the movies, but i guess youve just found out that the reality is far different.

    at first, s*x can be so embarrassing, and soetimes intimidating.

    when you have been with a partner for a while, and when you get to know each other and trust each other a little more, then s*x becomes much better. its participation that makes s*x, great s*x, and like everything, its a learning experience. as you have more experience, you will find what works for you and what doesnt, and have the courage to tell you partner what you do like, dont like, and what you would like to try.

    believe me it gets so much better.

  10. Nature,evolution has given us the capacity to enjoy a physiological act geared to reproduction.Nothing insures that---it'sjust that the more we enjoy it the more we do it, and the greater our chances for speices survival! Six times, you must be a fresh young thing, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you! If your having s*x simply to enjoy it's wonders, then I sugest that you find a much older partner, and work atit untill your demands are met----Bon Apatite! P.S. it's in the fore-play!

  11. what? are you bragging?

  12. You are obviously very young and sexually immature.  That's okay though.  For a woman, s*x is quite a bit different for a man when they first start out.  Chances are very good that a few things are happening that you don't know about.  First off, if you aren't enjoying yourself, the boy you are with doesn't know what he is doing yet.  Secondly, your body has not acclimated to the changes that s*x brings about.  I could say keep trying, it gets better, but, that only works if the person you are with gets better at what he is doing.  And no, there is nothing wrong with you.  This is a problem that every girl experiences.  The ones who say that isn't true are most likely lying.

  13. no your just a nymphomaniac  

  14. Some people enjoy s*x more than others.  I really don't want details, nor do I want to pry.  I am assuming that you did not have an o****m.

    If all of your experience is with one partner, perhaps their technique is lacking something.  You might try another partner, or if you are married, talk to your partner about what makes you feel good. If your partner cares about you, they should be willing to work with you.

  15. hmmm... Yea that's not Uncommon.

    maybe it's too early for you. Give it time. you'll like it eventually. Maybe it's the guy...?

    Where were you when u had it.? if its in a small laundry room.. it's not necessarily gonna be the best s*x ever. Just gotta make do. but if u have a bed. etc etc. and your able to switch positions and have fun with it. then i dont see why you wouldnt. just give it time.

  16. yes something is wrong

    consult your doctor

  17. then it's probably that your manisn't't hitting it right.why don't you talk to him about it?

  18. erm...ok you are strong and fit...

  19. Stimulate yourself using your finger and lots of lubrication. Once you become comfortable with yourself and can give yourself pleasure, then it will be more likely someone else can please you.

    Many women are not satisfied by normal intercourse because the clitoris is not stimulated. Nothing is wrong with you. You are your partner should stimulate your clitoris. Best thing is satisfy you, the woman first then let the man do his thing.  

  20. you sound too young..also the person your doing it with may be to young also to really please you. you should take a break from s*x until you get older....old enough to experience it on a different level and old enough to have a better more experience partner that will make you LOVE IT! LOL

  21. You do not have the right partner.

  22. no, I can relate.

    I do it to make my husband happy. He does a good job with me.

    But my ex make me HATE s*x! He made it so horrible.

    So it's you or its a horrible lover

  23. Yes there is something rong wit you. Everyone loves s*x!

  24. If your under 18 or 19 then its not unbelievable that u dont like it.  From what i've learned about young women and s*x, most all girls really dont enjoy it until  around 18.  I didnt really "feel it" until after i had my first baby.  After that i knew what a g-spot is. Iguess it depends on what u truly like. that will take some time.  

  25. yes i think there are abig probelm with you, i think you have to go to a doctor as soon as you can! trust me go to a doctor he'll help you immediatly he is the better person to ask

    hope it helped you


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