
I don't feel connected to my family, what do I do?

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Both my parents died young so my family was torn apart because it. I've always been rejected by them..some of it my fault thru teen rebellion but I never felt accepted by them. I hate family gatherings, I feel like I'm faking my way thru....I don't feel anything for them...very little. I feel like I should care more but I don't....can anyone relate? any advice?




  1. Hey I'm sorry about your loss. You may find that there are a lot of people out there who don't feel connected to their family. I also agree that you can make some friends into your new family, find people who care about you and who you care about, that's family.

  2. They say friends are the family that you choose. If your not close with your family, if they reject you, accept it and make friends with others who care about you...blood relatives or not

  3. You probably won't get a whole lot of answers here, what with it being the Computer Networking section, however I am quite sorry for your loss, I wish I could help.

  4. Moza, I am sorry for your loss and your family situation. I think most of us at times have felt disassociated with our families. It takes work.

    You say -- " I feel like I should care more but I don't.... " If you take a look at that feeling I think you really do want to reconnect. A lot of the time feelings like that are generated when you feel distant and not "related" to them. That isn't too surprising considering history. You don't really know them and they don't really know you that in itself makes feeling anything for them very difficult.

    If you want to get to know them, go to them apart from a family gathering and get to know them as people. You may be closer than you think, I suspect some of them have the same issues. Being torn apart is always tough on everyone. Don't be to surprised to find some of your family have the exact same feelings.  If you don't want to get to know them, no one is making you, so relax you will have a family of your own someday. God be with and bless.

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