
I don't feel good, can you please help me?

by  |  earlier

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This morning, I woke up dizzy and sweating, and I feeling like I have to throw up.

I haven't eaten since 3PM yesterday, which makes it 24 hours soon, because I was sleeping.

I think that going without food for so long is making me feel like this, but whenever I try to eat, I feel like I'm going to throw up right there and then,

So, what should I do? What should I eat? Pleeeeease help!




  1. you really need to eat,

    try hot soup

    it helps a lot :]

  2. Don't eat.It won't harm you to go without food for 24 hours.It sounds like you have a gastric bug. Your body knows best and starving for 24 hours will clear it out of your system. Keep up the fluids though and don't do anything too energetic. When you feel hungry again, eat something bland.

  3. I once had the same thing a few weeks ago and I felt better when I ate soup and took calpol. (Take 1 teaspoon of calpol a day and some soups and not only will you feel better you will lose weight like me!)

  4. See your doctor its the only answer.

  5. Feeling lightheaded and dizzy and sweating and sometimes tremulous are all symptoms of hypoglycemia( low blood sugar).  To ease nausea, try eating crackers and a warm tea.  

    Other caues o f these symptoms are IBS, Celiac disease, folic acid deficiency, protein ,lack of  sleep.  Take vitains and mineral supplements to increase your vitality; energy and appetite.  

  6. Drink plenty of water and call your doctor on Monday if you don't feel better.  If you get hungry have some dry toast or cracker biscuits.

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