
I don't feel like going looking for job. Please suggest.?

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I am 32 year old Indian in Australia. I came here 3 years ago for studies-Masters in Computers . I started Taxi driving along with studies. And after finishing my 2-years studies, I continued driving taxi full-time beacause I needed quick money. But now I want to work in computer field. But I don't feel like going smewhere looking for job. Because taxi driving is kind of self-employment, no boss etc. Now I find it hard to go and ask people for job. I know, if I look around, I'll sure find an entry-level computer support job.

And I don't want to set-up computer business, because I don't want to be bound to this place for the time being. Any suggestions?




  1. Do you have a resume? Instead of going around to different places why don't you make lots of copies of your resume and mail them to different companies that you would be interested in working for. That way if someone is interested, they will call you and you don't have to waste your time calling them or going in and asking. If you don't have a resume, it's time to start making one!

  2. look for contract positions that can allow you to quit at short notice.

  3. please check this link

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