
I don't feel pretty...?

by  |  earlier

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Hi! I'm 15, 5'5 1/2, 95 lbs, and i don't feel pretty @ all...I know a lot of people will tell me I'm pretty, even though i know they're lieing through there teeth.. If I was pretty i would have a boyfriend by now.... instead of the guy i liked going out with my best friend..even when he knew i liked him...ugh

Okay my question is How can I raise my self esteem (or whatever its called)...




  1. You're beautiful (although very skinny - are you okay with your weight?) Everyone is beautiful. You just need to love yourself. Accept yourself. Gain some confidence.  People are drawn to confident people.

    Go and kiss someone. Make the first move.

    Life is what you make it.

    Oh and if you were ugly - people would not say you're pretty. They just wouldn't say anything. They wouldn't waste their breath if it wasn't true.

  2. Just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you arent pretty!! Boys are stupid and shy. Maybe some guys like you but are afraid to tell you because they think you're so pretty. My boyfriend liked me for like a year and didn't say anything because he was too shy. Don't think that you arent good enough or arent pretty enough because it will just lower your self esteem even more. I know this sounds stupid and old but the outside really isnt what counts. Remember that.

  3. Being pretty doesnt mean that you can date whoever you please, he is your friend's boyfriend, so leave it at that.

    Cut down your meals to three times a day and dont eat after 7pm at night.  Or see a doctor to get a healthy diet plan.

    Raise your self -esteem by listing all of your accomplishments and reading through that list every day.

  4. ur really skinny...

  5. wow youre slender for 5'5 1/2

    well its really not about outer beauty honey

    especially when it comes to relationships

    maybe its not even the way you look

    maybe it could be your personality.

    just keep telling yourself that in the end, people overlook your exterior and look into your personality.

  6. my girlfriend just stays clean most of the time i think shes a lot into health iv heard of shampoo that could help with ur problem its soppose to make u look very nice though

  7. Your at an awkward stage in your life so my suggestion is do some sort of sport.

    I remember this girl in high school who would get up early in the morning to go run in the morning or she would go early to school to run the track/workout, then she would read her bible every morning in the locker room, she exuded self confidence and I totally admire her to this day

    You may want to try this because I wish I did what she did

    She never had a boyfriend but she was one of the prettiest girls in our school because she had such confidence in doing what she needed to do and not worried about everyone else.  

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